Graduate School
Graduate Board
The Graduate Board is the representative body of the Graduate Faculty that governs graduate education. It is composed of 30 faculty members elected by the Graduate Faculty. Among the duties of the Graduate Board are reviewing all proposals for new and continuing graduate programs and hearing academic appeals. Members of the Board serve on various committees, including Appeals, Fellowship, Policy, and Program Review, and make recommendations to the Vice Provost of the Graduate School on matters related to graduate education.
Each Spring, an election is held to fill 10 seats for a 3-year term that begins the following Fall semester. Graduate Faculty members may serve two consecutive terms.
Schedule of Meetings
The Graduate Board meets monthly during the academic year from September to April, with the exception of December. Graduate Board-approved minutes are accessible below. Please note that minutes are not available online until the Board votes to approve the record at its next month's meeting.
3B Conwell Hall, Main Campus |
Wednesday, October 16, 2013 | Executive Conference Room,4th Floor, |
Thursday, November 14, 2013 | 3B Conwell Hall, Main Campus |
Wednesday, January 15, 2014 | 3B Conwell Hall, Main Campus |
Thursday, February 20, 2014 | 3B Conwell Hall, Main Campus |
Wednesday, March 19, 2014 | Executive Conference Room, 4th Floor, |
Thursday, April 17, 2014 |
3B Conwell Hall, Main Campus |
An annual meeting of all Graduate Faculty is also typically held. For the 2013-2014 academic year, the meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, May 6, 2014, in Kiva Auditorium, Ritter Hall Annex, Main Campus. This meeting has, however, been cancelled: no policy changes have been effected this year and, thus, no endorsements by the Graduate Faculty at large are required. A year-end summary provided by the Vice Provost for Graduate Education is imminent.
2013-2014 Graduate Board Membership
CENTER FOR THE ARTS Boyer College of Music and Division of Theater, Film Tyler School of Art |
Deborah Confredo
Elizabeth Bolman |
Music Education & Therapy
Art History |
2014 |
Fox School of Business and Management | Jagannathan Krishnan |
Accounting |
2015 |
Kornberg School of Dentistry |
Jasim Albandar |
Periodontology & Oral Implantology |
2014 |
College of Education |
Joseph DuCette |
Educational Psychology |
2015 |
College of Engineering |
Kurosh Darvish |
Mechanical Engineering |
2015 |
College of Health Professions School of Social Work |
Michael Sachs
College of Liberal Arts
Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek
School of Media and Communication |
John Campbell |
Media Studies & Production |
2016 |
School of Medicine |
Barbara Hoffman |
Biochemistry |
2016 |
School of Pharmacy |
Swati Nagar |
Pharmaceutical Sciences |
2014 |
College of Science and Technology |
Irina Mitrea |
Mathematics |
2016 |
School of Tourism and Hospitality Management |
Daniel Funk |
Sport & Recreation Mgmt. |
2015 |
Archive of Board Meeting Minutes
- September 20, 2012
- October 17, 2012
- November 15, 2012
- January 17, 2013
- February 20, 2013
- March 21, 2013
- April 17, 2013
- September 21, 2011
- October 19, 2011
- November 16, 2011
- January 19, 2012
- February 22, 2012
- March 22, 2012
- April 25, 2012
- September 22, 2010
- October 21, 2010 (cancelled)
- November 17, 2010
- January 27, 2011 (cancelled)
- February 23, 2011
- March 24, 2011
- April 20, 2011
- September 23, 2009
- October 7, 2009 *
- October 22, 2009
- November 18, 2009
- January 21, 2010
- February 24, 2010 (cancelled **)
- March 25, 2010
- April 21, 2010 (cancelled ***)
* Special Interim Session
** To accommodate candidate's visit for the Senior Vice Provost for Research and Graduate
Education position
*** To promote Board members' attendance at the
April 28
meeting of the Graduate Faculty
- September 24, 2008
- October 23, 2008
- November 19, 2008
- January 22, 2009
- February 25, 2009
- March 26, 2009
- April 22, 2009
- September 12, 2007
- October 24, 2007
- November 29, 2007
- January 23, 2008
- February 21, 2008
- March 19, 2008
- April 24, 2008
- September 21, 2006
- October 26, 2006 (cancelled)
- November 30, 2006
- January 17, 2007
- February 22, 2007
- March 21, 2007 (cancelled)
- April 19, 2007
- September 21, 2005
- October 20, 2005
- November 16, 2005
- January 19, 2006
- February 15, 2006 (cancelled)
- March 23, 2006
- April 19, 2006
- September 22, 2004
- October 21, 2004
- November 17, 2004
- January 19, 2005 (cancelled due to inclement weather)
- February 16, 2005
- March 17, 2005
- April 21, 2005