Graduate School
Prospective Students – Application
All programs require a completed application form, a statement of goals, and one certified copy of official transcripts from every college and university attended, including Temple University. A minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale is ordinarily required for admissions consideration.
Admission to all programs is determined by the department to which the application is submitted based on a broad package of materials that includes not only test scores and grades, but also research interests, past employment, portfolios, recommendations, and the statement of goals. Applications will not be reviewed until they are complete, which requires receipt of all required credentials and payment of the application fee. Applications may be submitted to more than one program, but no student may pursue two degrees simultaneously, except for those admitted to University-approved dual degree programs.
Online Application
This web-based application allows submission of the application online. It is designed in modules so the applicant may return to the application if unable to complete the application in one sitting. The application is not submitted until the non-refundable $60 application fee is paid online using either a credit card or a bank account.
Paper Application in PDF
The application is available online in PDF format. (Adobe® Acrobat® is required to access this information.) The writable form can be saved to a desktop and printed after completion. Application instructions are provided to assist in answering select questions.
A check or money order made payable to Temple University in the amount of $75 must be submitted with the application. Do not send cash, and do not remit fees in excess of the required amount as additional monies cannot be credited toward future charges. Please note that the application fee is non-refundable.
Submission of Supporting Materials
Most programs require some or all of the following:
- A standardized test of scholastic aptitude, such as the Graduate Record Examination (GRE®) (General and/or Subject), the Graduate Management Admission Tes (GMAT®), or the Miller Analogies Tes (MAT™). Free practice tests are available at,,,,, and/or
- Letters of reference, which may be submitted on our Reference Report for Graduate Study or as a traditional letter of recommendation.
- An interview.
- An audition for such disciplines as dance, music performance, and theater/acting.
- Portfolios or exhibits to demonstrate creative potential and ability in such fields as fibers and fabric design, film and media arts, and painting.
Depending on the degree program, supporting materials are mailed to the appropriate departmental or school/college address listed on the Addresses for Submission of Graduate Applications document; submitted electronically via Interfolio; or uploaded in SlideRoom. Check the program description in the Graduate Bulletin to determine if submission is required electronically. All application materials, with the exception of portfolios and exhibits, become the property of Temple University and will not be copied, returned, or forwarded to another institution.
Please note that standardized test scores must be furnished directly to the Graduate School at Temple University by the testing service within five years of the applicant's test date. Scores for the GRE® should be forwarded electronically by Educational Testing Service. Scores for the GMAT® should be sent electronically by GMAC®. An official paper record for the MAT™ must be provided by Pearson or the Temple University Measurement and Research Center. No photocopies of score reports for any standardized test will be accepted from applicants.
For reporting purposes, the institution code for the GRE® and the GMAT® is 2906. For the MAT™, the reporting code is 2548 for the College of Health Professions and Social Work; all other MAT™ scores should be reported to 1666 for the Graduate School.
Application Deadlines
Each graduate program has unique deadlines for the submission of completed applications. The applicant is responsible for ensuring that all necessary materials are received by the stated application deadline for a given semester. Thus, applicants are urged to apply as early as possible. To determine the correct date, please see the relevant program page in the Graduate Bulletin.