Graduate School



Advanced Standing Request

Announcement of Oral Defense

Dissertation Committee Change

Dissertation Proposal Transmittal

Dissertation/Thesis Processing Fee

Examination Report for Doctoral Students

Extension of Time Request

First Summers Research Initiative (FSRI) Award

Full-Time Status Request for DOMESTIC Students — Inquire

Full-Time Status Request for INTERNATIONAL Students

Graduation Application


Upcoming Deadlines

  • Fall 2014/January 2015 graduation:  October 15, 2014
  • Spring 2015/May 2015 graduation:  February 15, 2015
  • Summer 2015/August 2015 graduation:  June 1, 2015

The graduation application is available using Self Service Banner (SSB). To access the application, go to TUportal and select Self Service Banner (SSB). When in SSB, select Student » Student Records » Apply to Graduate. Upon accessing the graduation application, verify that the correct degree and program are indicated. If the wrong degree or program is listed, STOP. Contact your advisor to submit a Graduate Change of Program Work Flow. When the Registrar confirms via email that the Change of Program has been completed, return to the SSB graduation application and submit.

Please note that individual schools and colleges may have additional filing requirements. Check with your Dean's Office to ensure that all graduation requirements have been satisfied.

Attention Graduates: The dissertation/thesis processing fee is additionally required. This $50 fee must be paid through the Bursar and applied to FOAPAL 100000 24800 4981 04; it cannot be paid online. A Treasurer's Receipt must then be presented to the school/college as proof of payment of the dissertation/thesis processing fee.


Leave of Absence Request

Other Employment Request

Permission to Reproduce Dissertation/Thesis

Petition by Non-Graduates to Participate in Commencement Ceremonies

Petition for Withdrawal with Approved Excuse

Petition to the Graduate School or Graduate Board Student Appeals Committee

Program of Study

Request to Exceed 9 Semester Hours of Graduate Coursework for Certificate Program

Request to Take an Undergraduate Course for Graduate Credit

Student Application for Doctoral Dissertation/Terminal Master's Project Completion Grant

Transfer of Graduate Credit Request



Banner Course Forms

Exception Request

Departmental Nomination for Doctoral Dissertation/Terminal Master's Project Completion Grant

Fellowship Nomination

Recommendation for Graduate Faculty Status



Agreement for Issuing an Incomplete Grade

Graduation Recommendation

Nomination for Service on Doctoral Committee