Graduate School
Graduate Faculty
At Temple University, our faculty is our most important resource. It is not surprising, then, that Temple University's faculty includes some of the best scholars, teachers, researchers, and artists in the country. Our faculty members have received such prestigious honors as Fulbright Fellowships, Guggenheim Grants, Lindback Awards, and Pew Grants.
As a major national research university, Temple University attracts faculty members who are actively engaged in cutting-edge research both within their own disciplines and across disciplinary lines. Faculty members' research and other creative activities stimulate intellectual development and prepare graduates for a wide range of careers. Our Graduate Faculty include:
- William Aaronson, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Risk, Insurance and Healthcare Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Abu Shardow Abarry, Ph.D., Associate Professor, African American Studies, College of Liberal Arts
- Bechara Abboud, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering
- Zain Abdullah, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Religion, College of Liberal Arts
- Mary E. Abood, Ph.D., Professor, Anatomy and Cell Biology, School of Medicine
- Magid Abou-Gharbia, Ph.D., Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy
- Charles Abramovic, D.M.A., Professor, Keyboard Studies, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- Carolyn T. Adams, Ph.D., Professor, Geography and Urban Studies, College of Liberal Arts
- Robert M. Aiken, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Computer and Information Sciences, College of Science and Technology
- Jasim M. Albandar, D.M.D., Professor, Periodontology and Implantology, Kornberg School of Dentistry
- Hiram Aldarondo, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Spanish and Portuguese, College of Liberal Arts
- Joan Allatta, Ph.D., Teaching Assistant Professor, Strategic Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Lauren B. Alloy, Ph.D., Professor, Psychology, College of Liberal Arts
- Rebecca T. Alpert, Ph.D., Professor, Religion, College of Liberal Arts
- Nora Alter, Ph.D., Professor, Film and Media Arts, Center for the Arts/Division of Theater, Film and Media Arts
- Shohreh Amini, Ph.D., Professor, Biology, College of Science and Technology
- Nilgün Anadolu-Okur, Ph.D., Associate Professor, African American Studies, College of Liberal Arts
- Mitos Andaya, D.M.A., Associate Professor, Choral Activities, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- Christine Anderson, D.M.A., Associate Professor, Voice and Opera, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- Gregory Anderson, Ph.D., Professor, Psychological, Organizational and Leadership Studies, College of Education
- Maggie Anderson, M.F.A., Assistant Professor, Theater, Center for the Arts/Division of Theater, Film and Media Arts
- Ronald Anderson, Ph.D., Professor, Finance, Fox School of Business and Management
- Lynne Andersson, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Human Resource Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Rodrigo B. Andrade, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Chemistry, College of Science and Technology
- Anna Arabindan-Kesson, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Art History, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Kevin Arcenaux, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Political Science, College of Liberal Arts
- Paul K. Asabere, Ph.D., Professor, Finance, Fox School of Business and Management
- Molefi Kete Asante, Ph.D., Professor, African American Studies, College of Liberal Arts
- Barrie Ashby, Ph.D., Professor, Pharmacology, School of Medicine
- Hilal Atasoy, Ph.D., Research Assistant Professor, Accounting, Fox School of Business and Management
- Raghbir Athwal, Ph.D., Professor, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
- Kathleen Auerhahn, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Criminal Justice, College of Liberal Arts
- Michael Autieri, Ph.D., Professor, Physiology, School of Medicine
- Derek Avery, Ph.D., Professor, Human Resource Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- S. Ausim Azizi, M.D., Professor, Neurology, School of Medicine
- Undrahbuyan Baasanjav, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Media Studies and Production, School of Media and Communication
- James Bachmeier, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
- Li Bai, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering
- Beth L. Bailey, Ph.D., Professor, History, College of Liberal Arts
- Janelle M. Bailey, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Teaching and Learning, College of Education
- Darius Balciunas, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Biology, College of Science and Technology
- Jorune Balciuniene, Ph.D., Research Assistant Professor, Biology, College of Science and Technology
- Steven Balsam, Ph.D., Professor, Accounting, Fox School of Business and Management
- Debra Bangasser, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Psychology, College of Liberal Arts
- Rajiv D. Banker, D.B.A., Professor, Accounting, Fox School of Business and Management
- George Baran, Ph.D., Professor, Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering
- Mary F. Barbe, Ph.D., Professor, Anatomy and Cell Biology, School of Medicine
- Allan S. Barber, M.F.A., Associate Professor, Film and Media Arts, Center for the Arts/Division of Theater, Film and Media Arts
- Elizabeth H. Barber, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Sport Management and Leisure Studies, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management
- David Bartelt, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Geography and Urban Studies, College of Liberal Arts
- Sarah Bauerle Bass, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Public Health, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Warren Bass, M.F.A., Professor, Film and Media Arts, Center for the Arts/Division of Theater, Film and Media Arts
- Sudipta Basu, Ph.D., Professor, Accounting, Fox School of Business and Management
- Katherine W. Bauer, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Public Health, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Richard Beigel, Ph.D., Professor, Computer and Information Sciences, College of Science and Technology
- Steven Belenko, Ph.D., Professor, Criminal Justice, College of Liberal Arts
- Abby Bennett, B.F.A, Assistant Professor, Graphic and Interactive Design, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Arts
- Shiferaw S. Berhanu, Ph.D., Professor, Mathematics, College of Science and Technology
- Steven Berkowitz, M.F.A., Associate Professor, Photography, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Daniel W. Berman, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Greek and Roman Classics, College of Liberal Arts
- Lila Corwin Berman, Ph.D., Associate Professor, History, College of Liberal Arts
- Philip P. Betancourt, Ph.D., Professor, Art History, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Kathleen Biddick, Ph.D., Professor, History, College of Liberal Arts
- Marcus Bingenheimer, Dr.Phil., Assistant Professor, Religion, College of Liberal Arts
- Saroj K. Biswas, Ph.D., Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering
- Mark Black, Ph.D., Professor, Anatomy and Cell Biology, School of Medicine
- Erwin A. Blackstone, Ph.D., Professor, Economics, College of Liberal Arts
- Khalid A. Y. Blankinship, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Religion, College of Liberal Arts
- Benjamin Blass, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy
- Gary J. Blau, Ph.D., Professor, Human Resource Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Kenneth G. Boberick, D.M.D., Associate Professor, Restorative Dentistry, Kornberg School of Dentistry
- Michael Bognanno, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Economics, College of Liberal Arts
- Jeffrey Boles, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Legal Studies in Business, Fox School of Business and Management
- Elizabeth Bolman, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Art History, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Beth Bolton, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Music Education and Music Therapy, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- Karen Bond, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Dance, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- Julie L. Booth, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Psychological, Organizational and Leadership Studies, College of Education
- Michael R. Borenstein, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy
- Eric Borguet, Ph.D., Professor, Chemistry, College of Science and Technology
- Daniel Boston, D.M.D., Associate Professor, Restorative Dentistry, Kornberg School of Dentistry
- Aryeh Botwinick, Ph.D., Professor, Political Science, College of Liberal Arts
- Joseph Boyle, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Psychological, Organizational and Leadership Studies, College of Education
- Carol Brandt, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Teaching and Learning, College of Education
- Lucy Bregman, Ph.D., Professor, Religion, College of Liberal Arts
- Sheldon Brivic, Ph.D., Professor, English, College of Liberal Arts
- Darlene Brooks, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Music Education and Music Therapy, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- Robert Brooks, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering
- Wanda M. Brooks, Ed.D., Associate Professor, Teaching and Learning, College of Education
- Meredith Broussard, M.F.A., Assistant Professor, Journalism, School of Media and Communication
- Gerard Brown, M.F.A., Assistant Professor, Foundations, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Lawrence Brown, Ph.D., Research Professor, Accounting, Fox School of Business and Management
- Robert L. Brown, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Political Science, College of Liberal Arts
- Seth C. Bruggeman, Ph.D., Associate Professor, History, College of Liberal Arts
- Matthew Brunner, D.M., Teaching Assistant Professor, Instrumental Studies, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- Andrew Buck, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Economics, College of Liberal Arts
- Nathan Buonviri, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Music Education and Music Therapy, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- Theodore W. Burkhardt, Ph.D., Professor, Physics, College of Science and Technology
- Sarah Bush, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Political Science, College of Liberal Arts
- Bettina A. Buttaro, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine
- Ilya Buynevich, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Earth and Environmental Science, College of Science and Technology
- Michelle Byng, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
- James P. Byrnes, Ph.D., Professor, Psychological, Organizational and Leadership Studies, College of Education
- Dmitri Byzalov, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Accounting, Fox School of Business and Management
- Chris Cagle, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Film and Media Arts, Center for the Arts/Division of Theater, Film and Media Arts
- Deborah Cai, Ph.D., Professor, Strategic Communication, School of Media and Communication
- Corrinne A. Caldwell, Ph.D., Professor Emerita, Psychological, Organizational and Leadership Studies, College of Education
- John Edward Campbell, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Media Studies and Production, School of Media and Communication
- David Cannata, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Music Studies, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- Daniel J. Canney, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy
- Roberto Caricchio, M.D., Associate Professor, Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine
- Vincenzo Carnevale, Ph.D., Research Assistant Professor, Biology, College of Science and Technology
- Niambi Carter, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, African American Studies, College of Liberal Arts
- Rajeswararao Chaganti, Ph.D., Professor, Strategic Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Sanjoy Chakravorty, Ph.D., Professor, Geography and Urban Studies, College of Liberal Arts
- Marion Chan, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine
- Frank N. Chang, Ph.D., Professor, Biology, College of Science and Technology
- Jason Chein, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Psychology, College of Liberal Arts
- Chih-Chien Chen, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Tourism and Hospitality Management, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Eunice Chen, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Psychology, College of Liberal Arts
- Hua Chen, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Risk, Insurance and Healthcare Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Ke Chen, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Physics, College of Science and Technology
- Shih-Jiun "Jim" Chen, Ph.D., Professor, Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering
- Sow-Yeh Chen, Ph.D., Professor, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
- Xiongwen Chen, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Physiology, School of Medicine
- Joseph Y. Cheung, M.D., Professor, Medicine, School of Medicine
- Wayne Childers, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy
- Marie Anne Chiment, M.F.A., Professor, Theater, Center for the Arts/Division of Theater, Film and Media Arts
- Mario P.S. Chin, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine
- Pallavi Chitturi, Ph.D., Research Associate Professor, Statistics, Fox School of Business and Management
- Seo-Hee Cho, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Anatomy and Cell Biology, School of Medicine
- Eric T. Choi, M.D., Associate Professor, Surgery, School of Medicine
- J. Jay Choi, Ph.D., Professor, Finance, Fox School of Business and Management
- Parkson L.-G. Chong, Ph.D., Professor, Medical Genetics and Molecular Biochemistry, School of Medicine
- Brianna S. Clark, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Sport Management and Leisure Studies, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Robert Clark, Ph.D., Teaching Associate Professor, Teaching and Learning, College of Education
- Joseph Thomas Coe Jr., Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering
- Philip L. Cohen, M.D., Professor, Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine
- Richard S. Cohen, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering
- William J. Cohen, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Community and Regional Planning, School of Environmental Design
- Bettye Collier-Thomas, Ph.D., Professor, History, College of Liberal Arts
- Bradley N. Collins, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Public Health, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Israel Colón, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Social Work, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Jon H. Condra, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy
- Gretchen Condran, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
- Deborah Confredo, Ph.D., Professor, Music Education and Music Therapy, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- Tracy E. Cooper, Ph.D., Professor, Art History, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Roderick Coover, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Film and Media Arts, Center for the Arts/Division of Theater, Film and Media Arts
- Erik Cordes, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Biology, College of Science and Technology
- Alan Cowan, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Pharmacology, School of Medicine
- Catherine Coyle, Ph.D., Professor, Rehabilitation Sciences, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Brian Creech, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Journalism, School of Media and Communication
- Peter B. Crino, M.D., Professor, Neurology, School of Medicine
- Jennifer G. Cromley, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Psychological, Organizational and Leadership Studies, College of Education
- Maia Bloomfield Cucchiara, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Teaching and Learning, College of Education
- Edna Cukierman, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Bioengineering, College of Engineering
- J. David Cummins, Ph.D., Professor, Risk, Insurance and Healthcare Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Chad D. Curtis, M.F.A., Assistant Professor, Ceramics, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Roman Cybriwsky, Ph.D., Professor, Geography and Urban Studies, College of Liberal Arts
- Kathleen Daerr-Bannon, J.D., Assistant Professor, Legal Studies in Business, Fox School of Business and Management
- Peter d’Agostino, M.A., Professor, Film and Media Arts, Center for the Arts/Division of Theater, Film and Media Arts
- Hai-Lung Dai, Ph.D., Professor, Chemistry, College of Science and Technology
- David R. Dalton, Ph.D., Professor, Chemistry, College of Science and Technology
- Judith Litvin Daniels, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Anatomy and Cell Biology, School of Medicine
- Fabienne L. Darling-Wolf, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Journalism, School of Media and Communication
- Kurosh Darvish, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering
- Boris A. Datskovsky, Ph.D., Professor, Mathematics, College of Science and Technology
- Alexandra Krull Davatzes, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Earth and Environmental Science, College of Science and Technology
- Nicholas Davatzes, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Earth and Environmental Science, College of Science and Technology
- Adam Davey, Ph.D., Professor, Public Health, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Franklin A. Davis, Ph.D., Professor, Chemistry, College of Science and Technology
- Heath Fogg Davis, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Political Science, College of Liberal Arts
- James Earl Davis, Ph.D., Professor, Teaching and Learning, College of Education
- Barbara Day-Hickman, Ph.D., Associate Professor, History, College of Liberal Arts
- John Deckop, Ph.D., Professor, Human Resource Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Richard Deeg, Ph.D., Professor, Political Science, College of Liberal Arts
- Jason del Gandio, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Strategic Communication, School of Media and Communication
- Zdenka Delalic, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering
- Kevin J. Delaney, Ph.D., Professor, Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
- Samuel R. Delany, Professor, English, College of Liberal Arts
- Mercedes Delgado, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Strategic Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- C. Anthony Di Benedetto, Ph.D., Professor, Marketing and Supply Chain Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Dimitrios I. Diamantaras, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Economics, College of Liberal Arts
- Susan B. Dickey, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Nursing, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Nguyen Thi Dieu, Ph.D., Associate Professor, History, College of Liberal Arts
- Dmitriy A. Dikin, Ph.D., Research Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering
- Cheryl Dileo, Ph.D., Professor, Music Education and Music Therapy, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- Oleksandr Diloyan, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering
- Rollo Dilworth, D.M., Associate Professor, Music Education and Music Therapy, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- Angelika Dimoka, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Marketing and Supply Chain Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Meixia Ding, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Teaching and Learning, College of Education
- Sherril Dodds, Ph.D., Professor, Dance, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- Therese Dolan, Ph.D., Professor, Art History, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Vasily Dolgushev, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Mathematics, College of Science and Technology
- Yuexiao Dong, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Statistics, Fox School of Business and Management
- Deborah A. G. Drabick, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Psychology, College of Liberal Arts
- Eduard Dragut, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Computer and Information Sciences, College of Science and Technology
- Jeffrey Draine, Ph.D., Professor, Social Work, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Jayne Kribbs Drake, Ph.D., Associate Professor, English, College of Liberal Arts
- Joris Drayer, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Sport Management and Leisure Studies, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Konstantinos Drosatos, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Pharmacology, School of Medicine
- Alice E. Drueding, B.F.A., Professor, Graphic and Interactive Design, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Sarah Drury, M.P.S., Associate Professor, Film and Media Arts, Center for the Arts/Division of Theater, Film and Media Arts
- Xiaojiang "James" Du, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Computer and Information Sciences, College of Science and Technology
- Joseph P. DuCette, Ph.D., Professor, Psychological, Organizational and Leadership Studies, College of Education
- Douglas Duckworth, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Religion, College of Liberal Arts
- Fred Duer, M.F.A., Associate Professor, Theater, Center for the Arts/Division of Theater, Film and Media Arts
- Brooke Duffy, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Advertising, School of Media and Communication
- Nahum Duker, M.D., Professor, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
- Nae Dun, Ph.D., Professor, Pharmacology, School of Medicine
- William C. Dunkelberg, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Economics, College of Liberal Arts
- Rachel Blau DuPlessis, Ph.D., Professor, English, College of Liberal Arts
- Charles Dyke, Ph.D., Professor, Philosophy, College of Liberal Arts
- Echo Eggebrecht, M.F.A., Assistant Professor, Painting and Drawing, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Satoru Eguchi, M.D., Professor, Physiology, School of Medicine
- Sasha Eisenman, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Landscape Architecture and Horticulture, School of Environmental Design
- Leora Eisenstadt, J.D., Research Assistant Professor, Legal Studies in Business, Fox School of Business and Design
- Eric Eisenstein, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Marketing and Supply Chain Management, Fox School of Business and Design
- Toby Eisenstein, Ph.D., Professor, Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine
- David Elesh, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
- Lauren Ellman, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Psychology, College of Liberal Arts
- John W. Elrod, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Pharmacology, School of Medicine
- Fatehy El-Turky, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering
- Elyas Elyasiani, Ph.D., Professor, Finance, Fox School of Business and Management
- Amze Emmons, M.F.A., Associate Professor, Printmaking, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Nora Engel, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Medical Genetics and Molecular Biochemistry, School of Medicine
- Richard M. Englert, Ed.D., Professor, Psychological, Organizational and Leadership Studies, College of Education
- Philip English, Ph.D., Research Assistant Professor, Finance, Fox School of Business and Management
- Eugene Ericksen, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
- Julia Ericksen, Ph.D., Professor Emerita, Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
- LeAnn Erickson, M.F.A., Associate Professor, Film and Media Arts, Center for the Arts/Division of Theater, Film and Media Arts
- Rosario Espinal, Ph.D., Professor, Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
- Jane DeRose Evans, Ph.D., Professor, Art History, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Rodney Evans, M.F.A., Assistant Professor, Film and Media Arts, Center for the Arts/Division of Theater, Film and Media Arts
- Thomas Eveslage, Ph.D., Professor, Journalism, School of Media and Communication
- Karin Eyrich-Garg, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Social Work, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Jay Fagan, D.S.W., Professor, Social Work, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Kevin Fandl, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Legal Studies in Business, Fox School of Business and Management
- David R. Farber, Ph.D., Professor, History, College of Liberal Arts
- Ruth S. Farber, Ph.D., Associate Professor Emerita, Rehabilitation Sciences, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Mohsen Fardmanesh, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Economics, College of Liberal Arts
- Frank Farley, Ph.D., Professor, Psychological, Organizational and Leadership Studies, College of Education
- Paul Farnsworth, Ph.D., Professor, Anthropology, College of Liberal Arts
- Scott H. Faro, M.D., Professor, Radiology, School of Medicine
- A. Reza Fassihi, Ph.D., Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy
- Robert Fauber Jr., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Psychology, College of Liberal Arts
- Jeffrey P. Featherstone, Ph.D., Research Professor, Community and Regional Planning, School of Environmental Design
- Susan Feinberg, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Strategic Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Gregg Feistman, M.A., Associate Professor, Strategic Communication, School of Media and Communication
- Mark A. Feitelson, Ph.D., Professor, Biology, College of Science and Technology
- Arthur M. Feldman, M.D., Professor, Physiology, School of Medicine
- Toby Ferguson, M.D., Assistant Professor, Neurology, School of Medicine
- Barbara Ferman, Ph.D., Professor, Political Science, College of Liberal Arts
- Jan Fernback, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Media Studies and Production, School of Media and Communication
- Daniel Fesenmaier, Ph.D., Professor, Tourism and Hospitality Management, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Catherine A. Fiorello, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Psychological, Organizational and Leadership Studies, College of Education
- K. Orfeo Fioretos, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Political Science, College of Liberal Arts
- Tracy Lee Fischer-Smith, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Neuroscience, School of Medicine
- Jennifer Orlet Fisher, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Public Health, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Omar Fisher, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Bioengineering, College of Engineering
- Bradley Flamm, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Community and Regional Planning, School of Environmental Design
- Edward Flanagan, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Music Studies, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- Joseph P. Folger, Ph.D., Professor, Psychological, Organizational and Leadership Studies, College of Education
- Cynthia Folio, Ph.D., Professor, Music Studies, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- Nathan Fong, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Marketing and Supply Chain Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Thomas L. Force, M.D., Professor, Medicine, School of Medicine
- Talissa Ford, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, English, College of Liberal Arts
- Dieter Forster, Ph.D., Professor, Physics, College of Science and Technology
- Sergio R. Franco, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Spanish and Portuguese, College of Liberal Arts
- Mark Franko, Ph.D., Professor, Dance, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- Amy Freestone, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Biology, College of Science and Technology
- Joseph Friedman, Ph.D., Professor, Economics, College of Liberal Arts
- William Fullard Jr., Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Psychological, Organizational and Leadership Studies, College of Education
- Daniel C. Funk, Ph.D., Professor, Sport Management and Leisure Studies, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management
- David Futer, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Mathematics, College of Science and Technology
- Mary Anne Gaffney, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Accounting, Fox School of Business and Management
- Gianluca Gallo, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Anatomy and Cell Biology, School of Medicine
- Stefania Gallucci, M.D., Associate Professor, Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine
- Ana M. Gamero, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Medical Genetics and Molecular Biochemistry, School of Medicine
- Doina Ganea, Ph.D., Professor, Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine
- Inmaculada García Sánchez, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Anthropology, College of Liberal Arts
- Paul Garrett, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Anthropology, College of Liberal Arts
- Suzanne Gauch, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, English, College of Liberal Arts
- Edward T. Gawlinski, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Physics, College of Science and Technology
- Deanna Geddes, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Human Resource Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Mark E. Gershon, Ph.D., Professor, Marketing and Supply Chain Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Kathleen Giangiacomo, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Medical Genetics and Molecular Biochemistry, School of Medicine
- Melissa Gilbert, Ph.D., Professor, Geography and Urban Studies, College of Liberal Arts
- Antonio Giordano, M.D., Professor, Biology, College of Science and Technology
- Tania Giovannetti, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Psychology, College of Liberal Arts
- Kristin Gjesdal, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Philosophy, College of Liberal Arts
- Philip Glahn, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Painting and Drawing, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Travis Glasson, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, History, College of Liberal Arts
- Jeffrey H. Godel, D.D.S., Associate Professor, Orthodontics, Kornberg School of Dentistry
- Petra Goedde, Ph.D., Associate Professor, History, College of Liberal Arts
- Susanna Gold, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Art History, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Eli Goldblatt, Ph.D., Professor, English, College of Liberal Arts
- Lawrence E. Goldfinger, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Anatomy and Cell Biology, School of Medicine
- Luis González del Valle, Ph.D., Professor, Spanish and Portuguese, College of Liberal Arts
- Judith Goode, Ph.D., Professor, Anthropology, College of Liberal Arts
- Elizabeth A. Gordon, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Accounting, Fox School of Business and Management
- Jennifer Gordon, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Neuroscience, School of Medicine
- Thomas F. Gordon, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Public Health, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Alex Gottesman, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Greek and Roman Classics, College of Liberal Arts
- Thomas J. Gould, Ph.D., Professor, Psychology, College of Liberal Arts
- Kimberly Goyette, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
- Yury Grabovsky, Ph.D., Professor, Mathematics, College of Science and Technology
- Peter Gran, Ph.D., Professor, History, College of Liberal Arts
- Xavier Graña, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Medical Genetics and Molecular Biochemistry, School of Medicine
- David E. Grandstaff, Ph.D., Professor, Earth and Environmental Science, College of Science and Technology
- Sherri Grasmuck, Ph.D., Professor, Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
- Scott Gratson, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Strategic Communication, School of Media and Communication
- Sarah Ann Gray, D.D.S., Associate Professor, Restorative Dentistry, Kornberg School of Dentistry
- Ian A. Greaves, M.D., Professor, Public Health, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Matthew Greenbaum, Ph.D., Professor, Music Studies, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- Ralph Greenberg, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Accounting, Fox School of Business and Management
- Leonard Greenfield, Ph.D., Professor, Anthropology, College of Liberal Arts
- Elizabeth Groff, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Criminal Justice, College of Liberal Arts
- Steven Jay Gross, Ed.D., Professor, Psychological, Organizational and Leadership Studies, College of Education
- Edward R. Gruberg, Ph.D., Professor, Biology, College of Science and Technology
- Charles Grubmeyer, Ph.D., Professor, Medical Genetics and Molecular Biochemistry, School of Medicine
- Elizabeth Gunderson, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Psychology, College of Liberal Arts
- Yuhong Guo, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Computer and Information Sciences, College of Science and Technology
- Manak C. Gupta, Ph.D., Professor, Finance, Fox School of Business and Management
- Cristian E. Gutiérrez, Ph.D., Professor, Mathematics, College of Science and Technology
- Raymond Habas, Ph.D., Professor, Biology, College of Science and Technology
- Michael G. Hagen, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Political Science, College of Liberal Arts
- Clara Haignere, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Public Health, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Dale Haines, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Medical Genetics and Molecular Biochemistry, School of Medicine
- Simon Hakim, Ph.D., Professor, Economics, College of Liberal Arts
- Terry Ann Halbert, Ph.D., Professor, Legal Studies in Business, Fox School of Business and Management
- Marcia B. Hall, Ph.D., Professor, Art History, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Robert D. Hamilton III, Ph.D., Professor, Strategic Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Carol Scheffner Hammer, Ph.D., Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Espen Hammer, Ph.D., Professor, Philosophy, College of Liberal Arts
- Xu Han, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Statistics, Fox School of Business and Management
- Donald A. Hantula, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Psychology, College of Liberal Arts
- Yah-el Har-el, Ph.D., Research Assistant Professor, Bioengineering, College of Engineering
- Crystal Harold, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Human Resource Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Christopher Harper, M.S.J., Professor, Journalism, School of Media and Communication
- Carissa Harris, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, English, College of Liberal Arts
- Jillian Harris, M.F.A., Assistant Professor, Dance, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- M. Kay Harris, A.M., Associate Professor, Criminal Justice, College of Liberal Arts
- Philip W. Harris, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Criminal Justice, College of Liberal Arts
- Sally Harrison, M.Arch., Associate Professor, Architecture, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Chantelle Hart, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Public Health, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Zameer Hasan, Ph.D., Professor, Physics, College of Science and Technology
- Shanta Hattikudur, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Psychological, Organizational and Leadership Studies, College of Education
- Alice J. Hausman, Ph.D., Professor, Public Health, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Allison Hayes-Conroy, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Geography and Urban Studies, College of Liberal Arts
- James L. Heckman, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Physiology, School of Medicine
- Robert Hedley, M.F.A., Professor, Theater, Center for the Arts/Division of Theater, Film and Media Arts
- Richard M. Heiberger, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Statistics, Fox School of Business and Management
- Richard G. Heimberg, Ph.D., Professor, Psychology, College of Liberal Arts
- John Helferty, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering
- Earl Henderson, Ph.D., Professor, Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine
- Katherine Henry, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, English, College of Liberal Arts
- Karen Klaiber Hersch, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Greek and Roman Classics, College of Liberal Arts
- Emanuel "Jody" Hey, Ph.D., Professor, Biology, College of Science and Technology
- Omar Hijab, Ph.D., Professor, Mathematics, College of Science and Technology
- Theodore L. Hill III, Ph.D., Teaching Associate Professor, Strategic Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Matthew L. Hiller, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Criminal Justice, College of Liberal Arts
- Annemarie H. Hindman, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Teaching and Learning, College of Education
- Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek, Ph.D., Professor, Psychology, College of Liberal Arts
- Wen-Zhe Ho, M.D., Professor, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
- Arthur Hochner, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Human Resource Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Samuel D. Hodge Jr., Ph.D., Professor, Legal Studies in Business, Fox School of Business and Management
- John Hoey, M.F.A., Assistant Professor, Theater, Center for the Arts/Division of Theater, Film and Media Arts
- Barbara Hoffman, Ph.D., Professor, Medical Genetics and Molecular Biochemistry, School of Medicine
- David A. Hoffman, J.D., Professor, Law, Beasley School of Law
- Jonathan Holmquist, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Spanish and Portuguese, College of Liberal Arts
- Kelly Holohan, M.F.A., Associate Professor, Graphic and Interactive Design, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Marilyn Holsing, M.A., Professor, Art and Art Education, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Brian C. Holtz, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Human Resource Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Michael Horton, Ph.D., Research Assistant Professor, Orthodontics, Kornberg School of Dentistry
- Erin McNamara Horvat, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Teaching and Learning, College of Education
- Steven Houser, Ph.D., Professor, Physiology, School of Medicine
- Deborah Anne Howe, Ph.D., Professor, Community and Regional Planning, School of Environmental Design
- Richard Hricko, M.F.A., Professor, Printmaking, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- S. Tonia Hsieh, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Biology, College of Science and Technology
- Roselyn Hsueh, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Political Science, College of Liberal Arts
- Wenhui Hu, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Neuroscience, School of Medicine
- Yang Hu, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Neuroscience, School of Medicine
- Jian Huang, M.D., Assistant Professor, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
- Forrest Huffman, Ph.D., Professor, Finance, Fox School of Business and Management
- Robert Hughes, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering
- James Hunt, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Marketing and Supply Chain Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Portia Hunt, Ph.D., Professor, Psychological, Organizational and Leadership Studies, College of Education
- Pauline Hurley-Kurtz, M.L.A., Associate Professor, Landscape Architecture and Horticulture, School of Environmental Design
- Parsaoran Hutapea, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering
- Cheryl A. Hyde, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Social Work, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Maria Iavarone, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Physics, College of Science and Technology
- Jennifer K. Ibrahim, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Public Health, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Larry D. Icard, Ph.D., Professor, Social Work, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Iyelli Ichile, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, African American Studies, College of Liberal Arts
- Aquiles Iglesias, Ph.D., Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Boris Iglewicz, Ph.D., Professor, Statistics, Fox School of Business and Management
- Vivian W. Ikpa, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Psychological, Organizational and Leadership Studies, College of Education
- Marc A. Ilies, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy
- Richard H. Immerman, Ph.D., Professor, History, College of Liberal Arts
- Alicia Imperiale, M.F.A., Assistant Professor, Architecture, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- David Ingram, M.F.A., Associate Professor, Theater, Center for the Arts/Division of Theater, Film and Media Arts
- Lynne Innerst, M.F.A., Associate Professor, Theater, Center for the Arts/Division of Theater, Film and Media Arts
- Andrew C. Isenberg, Ph.D., Professor, History, College of Liberal Arts
- Amid Ismail, Dr. P.H., Professor, Restorative Dentistry, Kornberg School of Dentistry
- Jean-Pierre Issa, M.D., Professor, Medicine, School of Medicine
- Alan J. Izenman, Ph.D., Professor, Statistics, Fox School of Business and Management
- Michael W. Jackson, H.S.D., Professor, Sport Management and Leisure Studies, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Marlene Jacobson, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy
- Thomas L. Jacobson, Ph.D., Professor, Media Studies and Production, School of Media and Communication
- Susan A. Jansen-Varnum, Ph.D., Professor, Chemistry, College of Science and Technology
- Steven R. Jefferies, D.D.S., Professor, Restorative Dentistry, Kornberg School of Dentistry
- Wilbert L. Jenkins, Ph.D., Associate Professor, History, College of Liberal Arts
- Liselotte E. Jensen, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine
- Jayasinhji Jhala, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Anthropology, College of Liberal Arts
- Steven Johnson, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Management Information Systems, Fox School of Business and Management
- Nora Jones, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Bioethics, School of Medicine
- Peter R. Jones, Ph.D., Professor, Criminal Justice, College of Liberal Arts
- Tricia S. Jones, Ph.D., Professor, Psychological, Organizational and Leadership Studies, College of Education
- Jeremy S. Jordan, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Sport Management and Leisure Studies, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Will J. Jordan, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Teaching and Learning, College of Education
- Priya Joshi, Ph.D., Associate Professor, English, College of Liberal Arts
- Joyce A. Joyce, Ph.D., Professor, English, College of Liberal Arts
- Melanie Julian, M.F.A., Assistant Professor, Theater, Center for the Arts/Division of Theater, Film and Media Arts
- Yasuko Kanno, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Teaching and Learning, College of Education
- Krishna Kant, Ph.D., Professor, Computer and Information Sciences, College of Science and Technology
- Avi Kaplan, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Psychological, Organizational and Leadership Studies, College of Education
- Andrew Karpinski, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Psychology, College of Liberal Arts
- Robert Kaufman, Ph.D., Professor, Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
- Michael Kaufmann, Ph.D., Associate Professor, English, College of Liberal Arts
- Lisa Kay, Ed.D., Assistant Professor, Art and Art Education, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Novella E. Keith, Ph.D., Professor Emerita, Teaching and Learning, College of Education
- Philip C. Kendall, Ph.D., Professor, Psychology, College of Liberal Arts
- Zebulon V. Kendrick, Ph.D., Professor, Kinesiology, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- R. Aubrey Kent, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Sport Management and Leisure Studies, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Daniel Kern, M.F.A., Professor, Theater, Center for the Arts/Division of Theater, Film and Media Arts
- Emily Keshner, Ed.D., Professor, Physical Therapy, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Eric Keuffel, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Risk, Insurance and Healthcare Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Kamel Khalili, Ph.D., Professor, Neuroscience, School of Medicine
- Mohammad F. Kiani, Ph.D., Professor, Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering
- Dustin Kidd, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
- Laurie Kilpatrick, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Physiology, School of Medicine
- Kwang Chul Kim, Ph.D., Professor, Physiology, School of Medicine
- Sanghun Kim, Ph.D., Teaching Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering
- Seonhee Kim, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Anatomy and Cell Biology, School of Medicine
- Nichola Kinch, M.F.A., Assistant Professor, Foundations, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Ceridwyn Ann King, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Tourism and Hospitality Management, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Moya Kinnealey, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Rehabilitation Sciences, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Lynn Kirby, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Anatomy and Cell Biology, School of Medicine
- Raj Kishore, Ph.D., Professor, Pharmacology, School of Medicine
- Carolyn Kitch, Ph.D., Professor, Journalism, School of Media and Communication
- Isaac Klapper, Ph.D., Professor, Mathematics, College of Science and Technology
- Michael Klein, Ph.D., Professor, Music Studies, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- Michael L. Klein, Ph.D., Professor, Chemistry, College of Science and Technology
- Susan Klepp, Ph.D., Professor, History, College of Liberal Arts
- Jonathan Kline, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Art History, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Joshua Klugman, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
- Stephanie Knopp, M.F.A., Professor, Graphic and Interactive Design, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Walter J. Koch, Ph.D., Professor, Pharmacology, School of Medicine
- Robin Kolodny, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Political Science, College of Liberal Arts
- Seong G. Kong, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering
- Kyriakos Kontopoulos, Ph.D., Professor, Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
- James F. Korsh, Ph.D., Professor, Computer and Information Sciences, College of Science and Technology
- Kenneth Korzekwa, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy
- Masaaki "Mike" Kotabe, Ph.D., Professor, Strategic Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Larry J. Krafft, Ph.D., Professor, Psychological, Organizational and Leadership Studies, College of Education
- Robert T. Krafty, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Statistics, Fox School of Business and Management
- Rena Krakow, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Steven Kreinberg, Ed.D., Associate Professor, Music Studies, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- Nicholas Kripal, M.F.A., Professor, Ceramics, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Jagannathan Krishnan, Ph.D., Professor, Accounting, Fox School of Business and Management
- Jayanthi Krishnan, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Accounting, Fox School of Business and Management
- Grant R. Krow, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Chemistry, College of Science and Technology
- Rita Krueger, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, History, College of Liberal Arts
- Warren Kruger, Ph.D., Professor, Pharmacology, School of Medicine
- Evgeny Krynetskiy, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy
- Barbara Krynska, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Neurology, School of Medicine
- Jan Krzywicki, M.M., Professor, Music Studies, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- Michael Kuetemeyer, M.F.A., Associate Professor, Film and Media Arts, Center for the Arts/Division of Theater, Film and Media Arts
- Rob J. Kulathinal, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Biology, College of Science and Technology
- Arun Kumaraswamy, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Strategic Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Satya Kunapuli, Ph.D., Professor, Physiology, School of Medicine
- Thilo Kunkel, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Sport Management and Leisure Studies, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Robert T. Kuper, M.L.A., Associate Professor, Landscape Architecture and Horticulture, School of Environmental Design
- Jane Kurz, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Nursing, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Fyodor Kushnirsky, Ph.D., Professor, Economics, College of Liberal Arts
- Kenneth L. Kusmer, Ph.D., Professor, History, College of Liberal Arts
- Eugene Kwatny, Ph.D., Professor, Computer and Information Sciences, College of Science and Technology
- Seok-Woo Kwon, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Strategic Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- George M. Lady, Ph.D., Professor, Economics, College of Liberal Arts
- Paul S. LaFollette Jr., M.D., Associate Professor, Computer and Information Sciences, College of Science and Technology
- Nandini Lahiri, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Strategic Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Rolf Lakaemper, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Computer and Information Sciences, College of Science and Technology
- Heather LaMarre, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Strategic Communication, School of Media and Communication
- Baldev Lamba, M.L.A., Associate Professor, Landscape Architecture and Horticulture, School of Environmental Design
- James M. Lammendola, J.D., Assistant Professor, Legal Studies in Business, Fox School of Business and Management
- Richard A. Lancioni, Ph.D., Professor, Marketing and Supply Chain Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- T. Dianne Langford, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Neuroscience, School of Medicine
- Scott Laserow, B.F.A., Professor, Graphic and Interactive Design, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Longin Jan Latecki, Ph.D., Professor, Computer and Information Sciences, College of Science and Technology
- Edward Latham, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Music Studies, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- Richard Lauer, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Physical Therapy, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Janice Laurence, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Psychological, Organizational and Leadership Studies, College of Education
- Peter Lavelle, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, History, College of Liberal Arts
- Mindie Lazarus-Black, Ph.D., Professor, Anthropology, College of Liberal Arts
- David Lebo, Ph.D., Teaching Associate Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy
- Stanley Lechtzin, M.F.A., Professor, Metals/Jewelry/CAD-CAM, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Don Lee, M.F.A., Professor, English, College of Liberal Arts
- Seul Ki Lee, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Tourism and Hospitality Management, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Sue-Im Lee, Ph.D., Associate Professor, English, College of Liberal Arts
- Michael A. Leeds, Ph.D., Professor, Economics, College of Liberal Arts
- David Lefkovitz, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Computer and Information Sciences, College of Science and Technology
- Peter Lelkes, Ph.D., Professor, Bioengineering, College of Engineering
- John Lent, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Media Studies and Production, School of Media and Communication
- Stephen Lepore, Ph.D., Professor, Public Health, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Susanne Lesnik-Emas, Ed.D., Clinical Assistant Professor, Rehabilitation Sciences, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Edward S. Letzter, Ph.D., Professor, Mathematics, College of Science and Technology
- Mark Leuchter, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Religion, College of Liberal Arts
- Judith Levine, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
- Robert J. Levis, Ph.D., Professor, Chemistry, College of Science and Technology
- Laura Levitt, Ph.D., Professor, Religion, College of Liberal Arts
- Ronald Levy, Ph.D., Professor, Chemistry, College of Science and Technology
- Xi Li, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Accounting, Fox School of Business and Management
- Yan Li, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Finance, Fox School of Business and Management
- Yuanzhi "Lily" Li, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Finance, Fox School of Business and Management
- Dan Liebermann, Ph.D., Professor, Medical Genetics and Molecular Biochemistry, School of Medicine
- Vasiliki M. Limberis, Th.D., Professor, Religion, College of Liberal Arts
- Chyan Long Lin, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Physics, College of Science and Technology
- Kun-Yang Lin, M.F.A., Associate Professor, Dance, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- Shan Lin, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Computer and Information Sciences, College of Science and Technology
- Joyce Lindorff, D.M.A., Professor, Keyboard Studies, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- Haibin Ling, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Computer and Information Sciences, College of Science and Technology
- Laura E. Little, J.D., Professor, Law, Beasley School of Law
- Lee-Yuan Liu-Chen, Ph.D., Professor, Pharmacology, School of Medicine
- Jay B. Lockenour, Ph.D., Associate Professor, History, College of Liberal Arts
- Peter Logan, Ph.D., Professor, English, College of Liberal Arts
- Matthew Lombard, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Media Studies and Production, School of Media and Communication
- Doug Lombardi, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Teaching and Learning, College of Education
- Martin Lorenz, Ph.D., Professor, Mathematics, College of Science and Technology
- Gerardo Augusto Lorenzino, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Spanish and Portuguese, College of Liberal Arts
- Hilary Iris Lowe, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, History, College of Liberal Arts
- Xueming Luo, D.B.A., Professor, Marketing and Supply Chain Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- A. Marjatta Lyyra, Ph.D., Professor, Physics, College of Science and Technology
- Grace Xueqin Ma, Ph.D., Professor, Public Health, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Dermot MacCormack, B.F.A., Associate Professor, Graphic and Interactive Design, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Laurie MacPhail, D.M.D., Professor, Oral Maxillofacial Pathology, Medicine and Surgery, Kornberg School of Dentistry
- Martha Madigan, M.F.A., Professor, Photography, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Wendy Magee, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Music Education and Music Therapy, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- Joseph E. Mahan III, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Sport Management and Leisure Studies, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Lynn A. Mandarano, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Community and Regional Planning, School of Environmental Design
- Gregory N. Mandel, J.D., Professor, Law, Beasley School of Law
- Munir Mandviwalla, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Management Information Systems, Fox School of Business and Management
- Muruganandham Manickavachagam, Ph.D., Research Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering
- C. Pazia Mannella, M.F.A., Assistant Professor, Fibers, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Connie X. Mao, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Finance, Fox School of Business and Management
- Joseph Margolis, Ph.D., Professor, Philosophy, College of Liberal Arts
- Margo Margolis, M.F.A., Professor, Painting and Drawing, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Peter J. Marshall, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Psychology, College of Liberal Arts
- John S. Martin, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Physiology, School of Medicine
- Nadine Martin, Ph.D., Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- C. Jeffrey Martoff, Ph.D., Professor, Physics, College of Science and Technology
- Robert Mason, Ph.D., Professor, Geography and Urban Studies, College of Liberal Arts
- Michele Masucci, Ph.D., Professor, Geography and Urban Studies, College of Liberal Arts
- Spiridoula Matsika, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Chemistry, College of Science and Technology
- Joel G. Maxcy, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Sport Management and Leisure Studies, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Michael Maynard, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Advertising, School of Media and Communication
- Ama Mazama, Ph.D., Associate Professor, African American Studies, College of Liberal Arts
- John A. McClendon, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Human Resource Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Michael McCloskey, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Psychology, College of Liberal Arts
- Brian McHugh, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Vasilis Megalooikonomou, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Computer and Information Sciences, College of Science and Technology
- Joan Mellen, Ph.D., Professor, English, College of Liberal Arts
- Patricia Melzer, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, French, German, Italian and Slavic Languages, College of Liberal Arts
- Andrew L. Mendelson, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Journalism, School of Media and Communication
- Gerardo A. Mendoza, Ph.D., Professor, Mathematics, College of Science and Technology
- Jeremy Mennis, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Geography and Urban Studies, College of Liberal Arts
- Salim Merali, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Medical Genetics and Molecular Biochemistry, School of Medicine/Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy
- Andreas Metz, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Physics, College of Science and Technology
- Zein-Eddine Meziani, Ph.D., Professor, Physics, College of Science and Technology
- Rebecca Michaels, M.F.A., Associate Professor, Graphic and Interactive Design, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- George W. Miller III, M.J., Assistant Professor, Journalism, School of Media and Communication
- Nichole E. Miller, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, English, College of Liberal Arts
- Shannon Miller, Ph.D., Professor, English, College of Liberal Arts
- William Miller, Ph.D., Teaching Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering
- Lois Millner, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Social Work, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Robin Mitchell-Boyask, Ph.D., Professor, Greek and Roman Classics, College of Liberal Arts
- Irina Mitrea, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Mathematics, College of Science and Technology
- Neha Mittal, Ph.D., Teaching Assistant Professor, Marketing and Supply Chain Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Leah Modigliani, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Foundations, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Feroze B. Mohamed, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Radiology, School of Medicine
- Marc Monestier, M.D., Professor, Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine
- M. Alexandra Monroy, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Anatomy and Cell Biology, School of Medicine
- Jo-Anna J. Moore, Ed.D., Associate Professor Emerita, Art and Art Education, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Susan Moore, M.F.A., Professor, Painting and Drawing, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Hortensia R. Morell, Ph.D., Professor, Spanish and Portuguese, College of Liberal Arts
- Maureen Morrin, Ph.D., Professor, Marketing and Supply Chain Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Nancy Morris, Ph.D., Professor, Media Studies and Production, School of Media and Communication
- Keith Morrison, M.F.A., Professor, Painting and Drawing, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Gary Mucciaroni, Ph.D., Professor, Political Science, College of Liberal Arts
- Shreeram R. Mudambi, Ph.D., Professor, Strategic Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Susan Mudambi, Ph.D., Research Associate Professor, Marketing and Supply Chain Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Subhadeep Mukhopadhyay, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Statistics, Fox School of Business and Management
- Megan Mullin, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Political Science, College of Liberal Arts
- Madesh Muniswamy, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Medical Genetics and Molecular Biochemistry, School of Medicine
- Miguel Muñoz-Laboy, Dr.P.H., Associate Professor, Social Work, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Patrick Murphy, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Media Studies and Production, School of Media and Communication
- John W. Muschamp, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Pharmacology, School of Medicine
- George H. Myer, Ph.D., Professor, Earth and Environmental Science, College of Science and Technology
- Mary E. Myers, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Landscape Architecture and Horticulture, School of Environmental Design
- Howard Myrick, Ph.D., Professor, Media Studies and Production, School of Media and Communication
- Swati Nagar, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy
- Shigenori Nagatomo, Ph.D., Professor, Religion, College of Liberal Arts
- James Napolitano, Ph.D., Professor, Physics, College of Science and Technology
- Lalitha Naveen, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Finance, Fox School of Business and Management
- Adele Nelson, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Art History, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Deborah B. Nelson, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Public Health, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Dona Nelson, B.F.A., Professor, Painting and Drawing, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Harvey R. Neptune, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, History, College of Liberal Arts
- Svetlana Neretina, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering
- Nora S. Newcombe, Ph.D., Professor, Psychology, College of Liberal Arts
- Bernie Sue Newman, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Social Work, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Steven Newman, Ph.D., Associate Professor, English, College of Liberal Arts
- Kristie Jones Newton, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Teaching and Learning, College of Education
- Rashida Ng, M.Arch., Assistant Professor, Architecture, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Allen W. Nicholson, Ph.D., Professor, Chemistry, College of Science and Technology
- John Nosek, Ph.D., Professor, Computer and Information Sciences, College of Science and Technology
- Emeka Nwadiora, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Social Work, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Jonathan E. Nyquist, Ph.D., Professor, Earth and Environmental Science, College of Science and Technology
- Phillip O'Banion, M.M., Assistant Professor, Instrumental Studies, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- Iyad Obeid, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering
- Zoran Obradovic, Ph.D., Professor, Computer and Information Sciences, College of Science and Technology
- Matthew O'Brien, M.D., Assistant Professor, Medicine, School of Medicine
- Ruth Ochia, Ph.D., Teaching Associate Professor, Bioengineering, College of Engineering
- In-Sue Oh, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Human Resource Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Daniel T. O’Hara, Ph.D., Professor, English, College of Liberal Arts
- Chihyung "Michael" Ok, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Tourism and Hospitality Management, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Thomas Olino, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Psychology, College of Liberal Arts
- Karyn Olivier, M.F.A., Assistant Professor, Sculpture, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Ingrid Olson, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Psychology, College of Liberal Arts
- Michael Olszewski, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Landscape Architecture and Horticulture, School of Environmental Design
- Sharyn O'Mara, M.F.A., Associate Professor, Glass, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Lambert Orkis, M.M., Professor, Keyboard Studies, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- Miles Orvell, Ph.D., Professor, English, College of Liberal Arts
- Jena Osman, Ph.D., Professor, English, College of Liberal Arts
- Wazhmah Osman, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Media Studies and Production, School of Media and Communication
- Pepón Osorio, M.A., Professor, Art and Art Education, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Lara Ostaric, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Philosophy, College of Liberal Arts
- Willis F. Overton, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Psychology, College of Liberal Arts
- Matthew Palermo, D.D.S., Assistant Professor, Restorative Dentistry, Kornberg School of Dentistry
- Karen Palter, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Biology, College of Science and Technology
- Hemant K. Parekh, Ph.D., Professor, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
- Vinay Parikh, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Psychology, College of Liberal Arts
- Joon Young Park, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Kinesiology, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Arvind Parkhe, Ph.D., Professor, Strategic Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Henry P. Parkman, M.D., Professor, Medicine, School of Medicine
- David Parry, M.A., Professor, Film and Media Arts, Center for the Arts/Division of Theater, Film and Media Arts
- Susan Patterson, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Biology, College of Science and Technology
- Aneta Pavlenko, Ph.D., Professor, Teaching and Learning, College of Education
- Paul Pavlou, Ph.D., Professor, Management Information Systems, Fox School of Business and Management
- C. Hamil Pearsall, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Geography and Urban Studies, College of Liberal Arts
- Helen E. Pearson, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Anatomy and Cell Biology, School of Medicine
- Laura Pendergast, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Psychological, Organizational and Leadership Studies, College of Education
- John Perdew, Ph.D., Professor, Physics, College of Science and Technology
- José Manuel Pereiro Otero, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Spanish and Portuguese, College of Liberal Arts
- Vallorie J. Peridier, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering
- Yuri Persidsky, M.D., Professor, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
- Sonja Peterson-Lewis, Ph.D., Associate Professor, African American Studies, College of Liberal Arts
- Tony Petrucci, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Human Resource Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Joseph Picone, Ph.D., Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering
- Montserrat Piera, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Spanish and Portuguese, College of Liberal Arts
- Patrick Piggot, Ph.D., Professor, Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine
- Stephen Pilder, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Anatomy and Cell Biology, School of Medicine
- Shriram Pillapakkam, Ph.D., Teaching Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering
- Nancy Pleshko, Ph.D., Professor, Bioengineering, College of Engineering
- Arthur T. Poe, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Computer and Information Sciences, College of Science and Technology
- Mark A. Pollack, Ph.D., Professor, Political Science, College of Liberal Arts
- Richard Pomerantz, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Medical Genetics and Molecular Biochemistry, School of Medicine
- Jennifer Pomeranz, J.D., Assistant Professor, Public Health, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Donnalyn Pompper, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Strategic Communication, School of Media and Communication
- Steven N. Popoff, Ph.D., Professor, Anatomy and Cell Biology, School of Medicine
- James Portwood, Ph.D., Professor, Human Resource Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Hector Postigo, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Media Studies and Production, School of Media and Communication
- Raghava Potula, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
- Domenico Praticò, M.D., Professor, Pharmacology, School of Medicine
- Cornelius B. Pratt, Ph.D., Professor, Strategic Communication, School of Media and Communication
- Eran Preis, M.F.A., Associate Professor, Film and Media Arts, Center for the Arts/Division of Theater, Film and Media Arts
- Eric G. Press, Ph.D., Professor, Accounting, Fox School of Business and Management
- Victor Pueyo Zoco, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Spanish and Portuguese, College of Liberal Arts
- Steven Pyser, J.D., Teaching Assistant Professor, Legal Studies in Business, Fox School of Business and Management
- Xuebin Qin, M.D., Associate Professor, Neuroscience, School of Medicine
- Songgang Qiu, Ph.D., Professor, Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering
- Joseph Rabinowitz, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Pharmacology, School of Medicine
- Robert B. Raffa, Ph.D., Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy
- John C. Raines, Ph.D., Professor, Religion, College of Liberal Arts
- Servio Ramirez, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
- Thomas E. Rams, D.D.S., Professor, Periodontology and Implantology, Kornberg School of Dentistry
- Anthony Ranere, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Anthropology, College of Liberal Arts
- A. Koneti Rao, M.D., Professor, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
- Jay Rappaport, Ph.D., Professor, Neuroscience, School of Medicine
- Paul Rardin, D.M.A., Associate Professor, Choral Activities, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- Lisi Raskin, M.F.A., Associate Professor, Painting and Drawing, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Jerry H. Ratcliffe, Ph.D., Professor, Criminal Justice, College of Liberal Arts
- Scott M. Rawls, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Pharmacology, School of Medicine
- Fabio Recchia, M.D., Professor, Physiology, School of Medicine
- Laureen Regan, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Risk, Insurance and Healthcare Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Aunshul Rege, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Criminal Justice, College of Liberal Arts
- Jodi Reich, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Jamie Reilly, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Fei Ren, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering
- George F. Rengert, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Criminal Justice, College of Liberal Arts
- Terry Rey, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Religion, College of Liberal Arts
- Alison Reynolds, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Music Education and Music Therapy, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- Monica Ricketts, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, History, College of Liberal Arts
- Brian Rider, Ph.D., Professor, Mathematics, College of Science and Technology
- Peter S. Riseborough, Ph.D., Professor, Physics, College of Science and Technology
- Moritz Ritter, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Economics, College of Liberal Arts
- Igor Rivin, Ph.D., Professor, Mathematics, College of Science and Technology
- Victor Rizzo, Ph.D., Professor, Anatomy and Cell Biology, School of Medicine
- L. Christie Rockwell, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Anthropology, College of Liberal Arts
- Wesley Roehl, Ph.D., Professor, Tourism and Hospitality Management, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Pamela C. Roehm, M.D., Associate Professor, Otolaryngology, School of Medicine
- Thomas Rogers, Ph.D., Professor, Pharmacology, School of Medicine
- Caterina Roman, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Criminal Justice, College of Liberal Arts
- Jessica Roney, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, History, College of Liberal Arts
- Christina Rosan, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Geography and Urban Studies, College of Liberal Arts
- Cathryn Jo Rosen, LL.M., Associate Professor, Criminal Justice, College of Liberal Arts
- Edward C. Rosenthal, Ph.D., Professor, Marketing and Supply Chain Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Mark Rosenthal, D.A., Assistant Professor, Film and Media Arts, Center for the Arts/Division of Theater, Film and Media Arts
- Brad S. Rothberg, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Medical Genetics and Molecular Biochemistry, School of Medicine
- Nancy L. Rothman, Ed.D., Professor, Nursing, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Michael R. Ruggieri, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Anatomy and Cell Biology, School of Medicine
- Jeffrey Rush, M.F.A., Associate Professor, Film and Media Arts, Center for the Arts/Division of Theater, Film and Media Arts
- Scott Rutledge, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Social Work, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Sheryl Ruzek, Ph.D., Professor Emerita, Public Health, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Adrienn Ruzsinszky, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Physics, College of Science and Technology
- David H. Ryan, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Accounting, Fox School of Business and Management
- Eileen Ryan, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, History, College of Liberal Arts
- Michael Ryan, Ph.D., Professor, Film and Media Arts, Center for the Arts/Division of Theater, Film and Media Arts
- Robert J. Ryan, Ph.D., Teaching Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering
- Oleg Rytchkov, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Finance, Fox School of Business and Management
- Valéry Ryvkin, M.M., Associate Professor, Voice and Opera, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- Abdel Karim Sabri, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Physiology, School of Medicine
- Michael Sachs, Ph.D., Professor, Kinesiology, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Keyanoush Sadeghipour, Ph.D., Professor, Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering
- Mahmut Safak, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Neuroscience, School of Medicine
- James Salazar, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, English, College of Liberal Arts
- Mark Salzer, Ph.D., Professor, Rehabilitation Sciences, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Rickie Sanders, Ph.D., Professor, Geography and Urban Studies, College of Liberal Arts
- Robert W. Sanders, Ph.D., Professor, Biology, College of Science and Technology
- Jayminn Sanford-DeShields, Ed.D., Associate Professor, Teaching and Learning, College of Education
- Mayra Santiago, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Kinesiology, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Carmen Sapienza, Ph.D., Professor, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
- Ilker K. Sariyer, D.V.M., Assistant Professor, Neuroscience, School of Medicine
- Mitrabarun Sarkar, Ph.D., Professor, Strategic Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Sanat K. Sarkar, Ph.D., Professor, Statistics, Fox School of Business and Management
- Bryan Satalino, M.F.A., Assistant Professor, Graphic and Interactive Design, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Pavel Savor, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Finance, Fox School of Business and Management
- Bassel E. Sawaya, Ph.D., Professor, Neurology, School of Medicine
- Rosario Scalia, M.D., Professor, Physiology, School of Medicine
- Shelley Scarpino, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Kenneth G. Schaefer, Ph.D., Professor, Teaching and Learning, College of Education
- Christian E. Schafmeister, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Chemistry, College of Science and Technology
- Catherine C. Schifter, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Psychological, Organizational and Leadership Studies, College of Education
- Naomi Schiller, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Anthropology, College of Liberal Arts
- Jeremy Schipper, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Religion, College of Liberal Arts
- Stuart M. Schmidt, Ph.D., Professor, Human Resource Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Eduard Schmieder, Ph.D., Professor, Instrumental Studies, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- David Schuff, Ph.D., Research Associate Professor, Management Information Systems, Fox School of Business and Management
- Joseph M. Schwartz, Ph.D., Professor, Political Science, College of Liberal Arts
- Joseph Scorsone, M.F.A., Professor, Graphic and Interactive Design, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Jonathan Scott, Ph.D., Professor, Finance, Fox School of Business and Management
- Vickie Sedman, M.F.A., Professor, Metals/Jewelry/CAD-CAM, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Jay Segal, Ph.D., Professor, Public Health, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Benjamin Seibold, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Mathematics, College of Science and Technology
- Michael E. Selzer, M.D., Professor, Neurology, School of Medicine
- Sergio Serrano, Ph.D., Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering
- Brent J. Sewall, Ph.D., Research Assistant Professor, Biology, College of Science and Technology
- Andrew Sfekas, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Risk, Insurance and Healthcare Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- John Shank, Ed.D., Professor Emeritus, Rehabilitation Sciences, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Joan Poliner Shapiro, Ed.D., Professor, Psychological, Organizational and Leadership Studies, College of Education
- Adrienne Shaw, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Media Studies and Production, School of Media and Communication
- Joel B. Sheffield, Ph.D., Professor, Biology, College of Science and Technology
- Jacob Shell, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Geography and Urban Studies, College of Liberal Arts
- Adam Joseph Shellhorse, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Spanish and Portuguese, College of Liberal Arts
- Paul Sheriff, B.F.A., Associate Professor, Graphic and Interactive Design, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Mark Shetabi, M.F.A., Associate Professor, Painting and Drawing, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Yuan "Justin" Shi, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Computer and Information Sciences, College of Science and Technology
- Thomas F. Shipley, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Psychology, College of Liberal Arts
- Anne B. Shlay, Ph.D., Professor, Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
- Amir Shoham, Ph.D., Teaching Assistant Professor, Finance, Fox School of Business and Management
- Scott Shore, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Medical Genetics and Molecular Biochemistry, School of Medicine
- Robert Shuman Jr., B.Arch., Associate Professor, Architecture, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Scott Sieburth, Ph.D., Professor, Chemistry, College of Science and Technology
- Muffy Siegel, Ph.D., Associate Professor, English, College of Liberal Arts
- Dennis Silage, Ph.D., Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering
- Marilyn Silberfein, Ph.D., Professor Emerita, Geography and Urban Studies, College of Liberal Arts
- Gerald Silk, Ph.D., Professor, Art History, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Bryant Simon, Ph.D., Professor, History, College of Liberal Arts
- Samantha Simpson, M.F.A., Associate Professor, Foundations, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Alan Singer, Ph.D., Professor, English, College of Liberal Arts
- Jonathan Singer, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Social Work, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Jagbir Singh, Ph.D., Professor, Statistics, Fox School of Business and Management
- Indrajit Sinha, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Marketing and Supply Chain Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Michael Sirover, Ph.D., Professor, Pharmacology, School of Medicine
- Michael R. Sitler, Ed.D., Professor, Kinesiology, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Tomasz Skorski, M.D., Professor, Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine
- George Smith, Ph.D., Professor, Neuroscience, School of Medicine
- Michael F. Smith, D.B.A., Associate Professor, Marketing and Supply Chain Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Michael W. Smith, Ph.D., Professor, Teaching and Learning, College of Education
- Sheryl Winston Smith, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Strategic Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Gretchen Snethen, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Rehabilitation Sciences, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Donna Snow, M.F.A., Associate Professor, Theater, Center for the Arts/Division of Theater, Film and Media Arts
- Edward Sobel, M.F.A., Assistant Professor, Theater, Center for the Arts/Division of Theater, Film and Media Arts
- Marcus J. Sobel, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Statistics, Fox School of Business and Management
- Jonathan Soboloff, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Medical Genetics and Molecular Biochemistry, School of Medicine
- Hillel David Soifer, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Political Science, College of Liberal Arts
- Miriam Solomon, Ph.D., Professor, Philosophy, College of Liberal Arts
- Jeffrey Solow, B.A., Professor, Instrumental Studies, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- Young-Jin Son, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Anatomy and Cell Biology, School of Medicine
- Dianne R. Soprano, Ph.D., Professor, Medical Genetics and Molecular Biochemistry, School of Medicine
- John Sorrentino, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Economics, College of Liberal Arts
- Merián Soto, M.A., Associate Professor, Dance, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- C. Christopher Soufas, Ph.D., Professor, Spanish and Portuguese, College of Liberal Arts
- Teresa Scott Soufas, Ph.D., Professor, Spanish and Portuguese, College of Liberal Arts
- Cathleen S. Soundy, Ed.D., Associate Professor, Teaching and Learning, College of Education
- Francis C. Spano, Ph.D., Professor, Chemistry, College of Science and Technology
- Nikolaos Sparveris, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Physics, College of Science and Technology
- Rachel Spigler, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Biology, College of Science and Technology
- Howard Spodek, Ph.D., Professor, History, College of Liberal Arts
- Terell Stafford, M.M., Professor, Music Studies, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- Gerald Stahler, Ph.D., Professor, Geography and Urban Studies, College of Liberal Arts
- Kryssi Staikidis, Ed.D., Associate Professor, Art and Art Education, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Larry Stains, M.J., Associate Professor, Journalism, School of Media and Communication
- Damien Stankiewicz, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Anthropology, College of Liberal Arts
- Robert J. Stanley, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Chemistry, College of Science and Technology
- Gerry A. Stefanatos, D.Phil., Associate Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Laurence Steinberg, Ph.D., Professor, Psychology, College of Liberal Arts
- Roy H. Stevens, D.D.S., Professor, Endodontology, Kornberg School of Dentistry
- R. Michael Stewart, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Anthropology, College of Liberal Arts
- Hester Stinnett, M.F.A., Professor, Printmaking, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Matthew Stover, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Mathematics, College of Science and Technology
- Robert T. Stroker, Ph.D., Professor, Music Education and Music Therapy, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- Kim Strommen, M.F.A., Professor, Graphic and Interactive Design, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Daniel R. Strongin, Ph.D., Professor, Chemistry, College of Science and Technology
- William J. Stull, Ph.D., Professor, Economics, College of Liberal Arts
- Sandra L. Suárez, Ph.D., Professor, Political Science, College of Liberal Arts
- Elisabeth Subrin, M.F.A., Assistant Professor, Film and Media Arts, Center for the Arts/Division of Theater, Film and Media Arts
- Won H. Suh, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Bioengineering, College of Engineering
- Francis J. Sullivan, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Teaching and Learning, College of Education
- Rominder Suri, Ph.D., Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering
- Bernd Surrow, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Physics, College of Science and Technology
- Jon B. Suzuki, Ph.D., Professor, Periodontology and Implantology, Kornberg School of Dentistry
- Rick Swalm, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Kinesiology, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Paul Swann, Ph.D., Professor, Film and Media Arts, Center for the Arts/Division of Theater, Film and Media Arts
- Charles Swanson, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Economics, College of Liberal Arts
- Leonard Swidler, Ph.D., Professor, Religion, College of Liberal Arts
- Daniel B. Szyld, Ph.D., Professor, Mathematics, College of Science and Technology
- Lolly Tai, Ph.D., Professor, Landscape Architecture and Horticulture, School of Environmental Design
- Rea Tajiri, M.F.A., Associate Professor, Film and Media Arts, Center for the Arts/Division of Theater, Film and Media Arts
- Ronald Tallarida, Ph.D., Professor, Pharmacology, School of Medicine
- Jude Tallichet, M.F.A., Professor, Sculpture, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Benjamin Talton, Ph.D., Associate Professor, History, College of Liberal Arts
- Chiu C. Tan, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Computer and Information Sciences, College of Science and Technology
- Jacqueline C. Tanaka, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Biology, College of Science and Technology
- Rongjia Tao, Ph.D., Professor, Physics, College of Science and Technology
- Maria del Pico Taylor, M.M., Professor, Keyboard Studies, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- Ralph B. Taylor, Ph.D., Professor, Criminal Justice, College of Liberal Arts
- Ronald D. Taylor, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Psychology, College of Liberal Arts
- Brian Teare, M.F.A., Assistant Professor, English, College of Liberal Arts
- Rouzbeh Tehrani, Ph.D., Teaching Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering
- Marisol Tellez-Merchán, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Dental Public Health Sciences, Kornberg School of Dentistry
- Italo Tempera, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine
- Dennis O. Terry Jr., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Earth and Environmental Science, College of Science and Technology
- Rebbeca Tesfai, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
- Neil Theobald, Ph.D., Professor, Psychological, Organizational and Leadership Studies, College of Education
- Heather Ann Thompson, Ph.D., Associate Professor, African American Studies/History, College of Liberal Arts
- Barbara E. Thornbury, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Asian and Middle Eastern Languages and Studies, College of Liberal Arts
- Emily Threinen, D.M.A., Associate Professor, Instrumental Studies, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- S. Kenneth Thurman, Ph.D., Professor, Psychological, Organizational and Leadership Studies, College of Education
- Teshale Tibebu, Ph.D., Professor, History, College of Liberal Arts
- Douglas G. Tilley, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Pharmacology, School of Medicine
- Matthew J. Tincani, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Psychological, Organizational and Leadership Studies, College of Education
- Christian Tomaszewski, M.F.A., Assistant Professor, Sculpture, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Laura Toran, Ph.D., Professor, Earth and Environmental Science, College of Science and Technology
- Paul D. Toth, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Spanish and Portuguese, College of Liberal Arts
- Edward Trayes, Ph.D., Professor, Journalism, School of Media and Communication
- LaTosha Traylor, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Criminal Justice, College of Liberal Arts
- Robert B. Trempe Jr., M.Arch., Assistant Professor, Architecture, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Allan Truant, Ph.D., Professor, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
- Emily Joy Tsai, M.D., Assistant Professor, Physiology, School of Medicine
- Alexander Tsygankov, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine
- Carole Tucker, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Physical Therapy, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Çagla Tükel, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine
- Ronald Tuma, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Physiology, School of Medicine
- Allison Tumarkin-Deratzian, Ph.D., Teaching Associate Professor, Earth and Environmental Science, College of Science and Technology
- Orhan C. Tuncay, D.M.D., Professor, Orthodontics, Kornberg School of Dentistry
- Karen Turner, J.D., Associate Professor, Journalism, School of Media and Communication
- Elizabeth Leebron Tutelman, Ph.D., Professor, Media Studies and Production, School of Media and Communication
- Felix F. Udoeyo, Ph.D., Teaching Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering
- Philip D. Udo-Inyang, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering
- Kathleen Uno, Ph.D., Associate Professor, History, College of Liberal Arts
- Ellen Unterwald, Ph.D., Professor, Pharmacology, School of Medicine
- Gregory J. W. Urwin, Ph.D., Professor, History, College of Liberal Arts
- Barry Vacker, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Media Studies and Production, School of Media and Communication
- Dmitri Vainchtein, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering
- Ann M. Valentine, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Chemistry, College of Science and Technology
- Michael Valenza, J.D., Associate Professor, Legal Studies in Business, Fox School of Business and Management
- Benoit Van Aken, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering
- Nicole Van Cleve, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Criminal Justice, College of Liberal Arts
- Ryan Vander Wielen, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Political Science, College of Liberal Arts
- Vinod Venkatraman, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Marketing and Supply Chain Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Lawrence Venuti, Ph.D., Professor, English, College of Liberal Arts
- Pablo S. Vila, Ph.D., Professor, Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
- E. Rely Vîlcicã, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Criminal Justice, College of Liberal Arts
- Gerald Vision, Ph.D., Professor, Philosophy, College of Liberal Arts
- Krupa S. Viswanathan, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Risk, Insurance and Healthcare Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Vincent Voelz, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Chemistry, College of Science and Technology
- Slobodan Vucetic, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Computer and Information Sciences, College of Science and Technology
- Douglas C. Wager, M.F.A., Professor, Theater, Center for the Arts/Division of Theater, Film and Media Arts
- Matthew “Elvis” Wagner, Ed.D., Associate Professor, Teaching and Learning, College of Education
- Thomas Waidzunas, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
- David L. Waldstreicher, Ph.D., Professor, History, College of Liberal Arts
- Ellen A. Walker, Ph.D., Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy
- Shannon Walters, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, English, College of Liberal Arts
- Hong Wang, M.D., Professor, Pharmacology, School of Medicine
- Pei Wang, Ph.D., Teaching Associate Professor, Computer and Information Sciences, College of Science and Technology
- Sara Ward, Ph.D., Research Assistant Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy
- Owen Ware, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Philosophy, College of Liberal Arts
- Richard B. Waring, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Biology, College of Science and Technology
- Linn Washington, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Journalism, School of Media and Communication
- Barbara A. Wasik, Ph.D., Professor, Psychological, Organizational and Leadership Studies, College of Education
- David Harrington Watt, Ph.D., Professor, History, College of Liberal Arts
- Sunil Wattal, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Management Information Systems, Fox School of Business and Management
- Bradford B. Wayland, Ph.D., Professor, Chemistry, College of Science and Technology
- Kristine T. Weatherston, M.A., Assistant Professor, Media Studies and Production, School of Media and Communication
- Douglas Webber, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Economics, College of Liberal Arts
- William W. S. Wei, Ph.D., Professor, Statistics, Fox School of Business and Management
- Marsha Weinraub, Ph.D., Professor, Psychology, College of Liberal Arts
- Mark H. Weir, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Public Health, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Robert W. Weisberg, Ph.D., Professor, Psychology, College of Liberal Arts
- Donna Weiss, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Rehabilitation Sciences, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Howard J. Weiss, Ph.D., Professor, Marketing and Supply Chain Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Mary A. Weiss, Ph.D., Professor, Risk, Insurance and Healthcare Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Charles A. Weitz, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Anthropology, College of Liberal Arts
- Jonathan Daniel Wells, Ph.D., Professor, History, College of Liberal Arts
- Susan Wells, Ph.D., Professor, English, College of Liberal Arts
- Kariamu Welsh, D. Arts, Professor, Dance, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- Wayne Welsh, Ph.D., Professor, Criminal Justice, College of Liberal Arts
- Albert I. Wertheimer, Ph.D., Professor, Pharmacy Practice, School of Pharmacy
- Ashley West, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Art History, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Cord Whitaker, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, English, College of Liberal Arts
- Eugene Whitaker, D.M.D., Associate Professor, Restorative Dentistry, Kornberg School of Dentistry
- Robert C. Whitaker, M.D., Professor, Public Health, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Martyn K. White, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Neuroscience, School of Medicine
- Sydney D. White, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Religion, College of Liberal Arts
- Kimberly D. Williams, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Anthropology, College of Liberal Arts
- Roland L. Williams Jr., Ph.D., Associate Professor, English, College of Liberal Arts
- Kimmika Williams-Witherspoon, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Theater, Center for the Arts/Division of Theater, Film and Media Arts
- Stephen Willier, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Music Studies, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- M. Katherine Wingert-Playdon, M.S.Arch., Associate Professor, Architecture, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- Jacqueline Volkman Wise, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Risk, Insurance and Healthcare Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Byron Wolfe, M.F.A., Associate Professor, Photography, Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
- David Wolfsdorf, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Philosophy, College of Liberal Arts
- Marla R. Wolfson, Ph.D., Professor, Physiology, School of Medicine
- Chang-Hee Won, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering
- Ho-Lun Wong, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy
- Jennifer D. Wood, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Criminal Justice, College of Liberal Arts
- Christine A. Woyshner, Ed.D., Professor, Teaching and Learning, College of Education
- Matt Wray, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
- Maurice Wright, D.M.A., Professor, Music Studies, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- Thomas Wright, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Strategic Communication, School of Media and Communication
- W. Geoffrey Wright, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Physical Therapy, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Jie Wu, Ph.D., Professor, Computer and Information Sciences, College of Science and Technology
- Xifan Wu, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Physics, College of Science and Technology
- William Wuest, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Chemistry, College of Science and Technology
- Stephanie L. Wunder, Ph.D., Professor, Chemistry, College of Science and Technology
- Xiaoxing Xi, Ph.D., Professor, Physics, College of Science and Technology
- Weidong Xiao, Ph.D., Professor, Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine
- Hongling Xie, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Psychology, College of Liberal Arts
- Jichun Xie, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Statistics, Fox School of Business and Management
- Kaibin Xu, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Strategic Communication, School of Media and Communication
- Jie Yang, D.M.D., Professor, Oral Maxillofacial Pathology, Medicine and Surgery, Kornberg School of Dentistry
- Maobin Yang, D.D.S., Assistant Professor, Endodontology, Kornberg School of Dentistry
- Weidong Yang, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Biology, College of Science and Technology
- Wei-Shih Yang, Ph.D., Professor, Mathematics, College of Science and Technology
- Xiao-Feng Yang, M.D., Professor, Pharmacology, School of Medicine
- Yang Yang, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Tourism and Hospitality Management, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Philip Yannella, Ph.D., Professor, English, College of Liberal Arts
- Alexander Yates, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Computer and Information Sciences, College of Science and Technology
- Jie Yin, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering
- Sean Yom, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Political Science, College of Liberal Arts
- Youngjin Yoo, Ph.D., Professor, Management Information Systems, Fox School of Business and Management
- Gil Yosipovitch, M.D., Professor, Dermatology, School of Medicine
- Tan Yuen, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Physics, College of Science and Technology
- M. Raza Zaidi, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Medical Genetics and Molecular Biochemistry, School of Medicine
- Laura Zaylea, M.F.A., Assistant Professor, Media Studies and Production, School of Media and Communication
- Michael J. Zdilla, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Chemistry, College of Science and Technology
- Huichun "Judy" Zhang, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering
- Lu Zhang, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
- Yi Zhang, M.D., Associate Professor, Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine
- Shanyang Zhao, Ph.D., Professor, Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
- Zhigen Zhao, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Statistics, Fox School of Business and Management
- Marsha Zibalese-Crawford, D.S.W., Associate Professor, Social Work, College of Health Professions and Social Work
- Jacqueline S. Zinn, Ph.D., Professor, Risk, Insurance and Healthcare Management, Fox School of Business and Management
- Marvin Ziskin, M.D., Professor Emeritus, Radiology, School of Medicine
- Steven Zohn, Ph.D., Professor, Music Studies, Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
- Dai Zusai, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Economics, College of Liberal Arts