Graduate School
Financial Information – Internal Funding Sources
Endowed scholarships, awards, and prize funds constitute a critical source of support for students at Temple University. For additional details about any of the awards, contact the relevant school/college or the Office of Student Financial Services.
Center for the Arts/Tyler School of Art
Jack Malis Endowed Scholarship Fund — Awarded to graduate students who are majoring in the area of Glass.
Center for the Arts/Boyer College of Music and Dance
Sarah A. Hilsendager Dance Education Endowed Scholarship Fund — Awarded to graduate students in Dance who are pursuing a career in dance education and have demonstrated academic achievement and financial need.
Frances Hutton Memorial Award Fund — Awarded to an undergraduate or graduate student in Music who has provided outstanding service to the Boyer College of Music and Dance.
William Singer Memorial Fund — Awarded to a first-year graduate student who has exhibited academic excellence and shown considerable potential for continued work at the graduate level.
Center for the Arts/Division of Theater, Film and Media Arts
Benjamin Lazaroff Memorial Scholarship Fund — Awarded to undergraduate or graduate students majoring in Film who have an interest in screenwriting.
Beatrice Deglin Leder Graduate Student Film and Video Production Award Fund — Awarded to an outstanding graduate student majoring in Film and Media Arts who has a film or video work in progress.
Zelma H. Weisfeld Scholarship Fund — Awarded to students in the Department of Theater who are studying costume design, with preference given to graduate students.
Fox School of Business and Management
J. V. Charry Scholarship in Marketing — Awarded to doctoral students in Marketing who have demonstrated academic achievement and financial need.
William B. Hipple Endowed Scholarship Fund — Awarded to undergraduate or graduate students in Fox School of Business and Management who demonstrate financial need.
Samuel Mink Memorial Award Fund — Awarded to a graduate student for outstanding work in the Fox School of Business and Management.
D. and J. Rajan Scholarship in International Business — Awarded to doctoral students in International Business who demonstrate academic achievement and financial need.
Sigma Tau Phi Graduate Award in Accounting Fund — Awarded to a graduate student in Accounting with the highest grade point average.
College of Education
Roy B. Hackman Student Research and Scholarship Fund — Awarded to graduate students in Psychological Studies who have demonstrated academic achievement and financial need.
Marlene S. Korn Humanitarian Award Fund — Awarded to a graduate assistant who is judged to have made the greatest humanitarian contribution in the areas of teaching, scholarship, and service.
Margaret J. Messinger Scholarship Fund — Awarded to undergraduate students in the College of Education and graduate students in Educational or School Psychology who have demonstrated academic achievement and financial need.
Dr. William M. Polishook Tribute Fund — Awarded to graduate students planning careers as professional educators so they can attend professional conferences.
Dr. Rita Wolotkiewicz Phi Delta Kappa Award Fund — Awarded to a recipient of a doctoral degree in Education in recognition of outstanding professional achievement.
Graduate School
Mollye and Mitchell Glick Scholarship Fund — Awarded to undergraduate students majoring in Journalism or Mathematics for future graduate work as they prepare to teach at the college level.
Phi Delta Gamma Scholarship Fund — Awarded to graduate students based on outstanding scholarship and evidence of community service.
College of Health Professions and Social Work
Jill Brandis Memorial Scholarship Fund — Awarded to second-year graduate students in Occupational Therapy who have demonstrated academic achievement and financial need.
Kimberly Caton Memorial Scholarship Fund — Awarded to graduate students enrolled in the Master of Social Work program who have an interest in the field of child welfare and demonstrate academic achievement and financial need.
Alice Cavanaugh Memorial Scholarship Fund — Awarded to second- or third-year Kinesiology students who have demonstrated academic achievement and financial need.
Dr. Grace Ganter Memorial Fund — Awarded annually to a student in the Master of Social Work program who has demonstrated overall excellence in the pursuit of graduate studies.
Donald R. Hilsendager Endowed Scholarship Fund — Awarded to academically talented graduate students who are majoring in Kinesiology.
Dr. Carole Oglesby Scholarship Fund — Awarded to graduate students majoring in Kinesiology who show scholarly and leadership promise in the area of African American women in sports.
Matt Williams/MPT 2002 Memorial Scholarship Fund — Awarded to Physical Therapy students who have completed their first professional year.
College of Liberal Arts
Neysa and Arlin Adams Prize Fund for Excellence in Pre-Law Studies — Awarded, in recognition of an outstanding scholastic record, to a member of the graduating class who will attend law school.
John Henrik Clarke Educational Fund — Awarded to graduate students in the Department of African American Studies who require financial assistance.
Dr. Arthur N. Cook Award Fund — Awarded to members of the graduating class and graduate students who have demonstrated outstanding scholarship in the field of History.
Deborah Harris Memorial Fund — Provides for a graduate internship at the Criminal Justice Coordinating Commission.
Frances Tebet Israel Prize in Poetry and Fiction Fund — Awarded annually to two students in the Creative Writing program in recognition of the best master’s theses in poetry and fiction.
John S. Kramer Prize Fund — Awarded to an outstanding undergraduate and an outstanding graduate student, both of whom are History majors.
Andrea Pearlman Price Award Fund — Awarded to a graduating senior in the College of Liberal Arts who demonstrates distinguished scholarship in preparation for medical school.
Thomas E. Shipley Jr. Research Prize Fund — Awarded to a doctoral student in Psychology to assist with her/his research.
Dr. Tess Sandra Singer Memorial Award Fund — Awarded to a junior who plans to pursue graduate studies in English.
Mitchell and Debra Sonkin Endowed Scholarship Fund — Awarded to students enrolled in the College of Liberal Arts who demonstrate financial need and who intend to go to law school, with preference given to students who are majoring in Political Science.
Fred Zimring Prize Fund — Awarded annually to the graduate student in History whose work and personal commitments most closely approximate those of Professor Zimring.
School of Media and Communication
David E. Brace Scholarship in Community Journalism Fund — Awarded to a full-time undergraduate or graduate student in Journalism who is interested in local reporting/editing and has the potential to contribute positively to local and regional news coverage.
Jim Gardner Journalism Prize — Awarded to a senior Journalism or Broadcasting major who intends to pursue a graduate degree and a career in journalism.
College of Science and Technology
Guy F. Allen Memorial Award Fund — Awarded annually to outstanding teaching assistants of Chemistry for their excellence in teaching.
Nathan Apple Graduate Scholarship in Biology — Awarded to graduate students in Biology who have demonstrated academic achievement and financial need.
Sol and Elsie Deglin Memorial Award Fund — Awarded to an outstanding graduating Biology major who is interested in a career in teaching.