Postdoctoral Fellows Office
Procedures and Forms
Important NoteThe Postdoctoral Fellows Office must be notified of all changes in the status of Postdoctoral Fellows and Visiting Research Scholars. These changes include:
It is vital that any such changes be reported to the Postdoctoral Fellows Office and, if the affected individual is international, to the Office of International Student and Scholar Services. This is necessary to ensure compliance with the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). |
General Information
Temple University Research Categories' Guidelines Grid
Temple University Fringe Benefit Rate Chart
Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Background Check Consent Form
Postdoctoral Fellows
Policy on Postdoctoral Fellows
Procedures for Hiring Postdoctoral Fellows
Departmental Checklist for Postdoctoral Fellow Appointment/Reappointment
Flow Charts
- Appoint a Postdoctoral Fellow
- Reappoint a Postdoctoral Fellow
Postdoctoral Fellow Requisition
Postdoctoral Fellow Appointment Letter
Required Form as of 5/1/2013: Departmental Documentation of Requirements for Postdoctoral Fellow and Visiting Research Scholar Appointments
Successful Completion of Postdoctoral Training Letter
Visiting Research Scholars
Guidelines for Temple University Visiting Research Scholars
Procedures for Hiring Visiting Research Scholars
Departmental Checklist for Visiting Research Scholar (VRS) Appointment/Reappointment
Flow Charts
- Appoint a Visiting Research Scholar Receiving Temple Support
- Appoint a Visiting Research Scholar Supported by Home Institution
Visiting Research Scholar Requisition
Visiting Research Scholar Appointment Letter
Required Form as of 5/1/2013: Departmental Documentation of Requirements for Postdoctoral Fellow and Visiting Research Scholar Appointments
Clinical Interns
Appointment Letters