Graduate Bulletin
Secondary Education/Mathematics Education,
Admission Requirements and Deadlines
Application Deadline:
Fall: April 1
Spring: October 1
Complete applications received by the stated deadline are guaranteed a
decision for the upcoming semester. Applications received after the deadline are reviewed on a space-available basis.
APPLY ONLINE to this graduate program.
Letters of Reference:
Number Required: 2; see the Reference Report for Graduate Study. From Whom: Letters of recommendation should be obtained from
college/university faculty members and others who can provide insight into the
applicant's academic competence.
Coursework Required for Admission Consideration:
The Pennsylvania Department of Education expects that all individuals seeking
teacher certification at the master's level, regardless of the discipline, have
taken at least 6 credits of college-level mathematics and 6 credits of
college-level English composition and literature in their undergraduate program.
Before being admitted to the Secondary Education Program with a
specialization in Mathematics, applicants must have completed a major or
the equivalent with approximately 30 semester hours of undergraduate
coursework in the subject area (beginning with Calculus). Interested
students who are not sure if prerequisites have been fulfilled should
meet with an advisor before completing an application.
Bachelor's Degree in Discipline/Related Discipline:
All applicants must present credentials that are the equivalent of the appropriate baccalaureate degree at Temple University.
Minimum Undergraduate GPA Requirement:
Applications of students that do not meet the 3.0 UGPA requirement may be considered for admission by the Graduate School if they meet one of the following exceptions:
- Standard exceptions: 3.5 UGPA during the last two
years AND a minimum of 3.25 Graduate GPA for nine semester hours
(typically taken as a non-matriculated student in the program prior to
application for admission).
- Special exceptions: Applicants who do not meet
regular admission criteria may be considered for a special exception if a
compelling case can be made for admission. These special
exceptions will only be rarely granted.
Minimum Testing Requirements:
In order to be admitted to the program, applicants must provide official score reports demonstrating a passing score on the Praxis II in
the appropriate content area. The test code is 0061 for the specialty
test in "Mathematics: Content
Knowledge." The qualifying score for Pennsylvania is 136 (effective
9/1/1999). Please note that this information is for general
reference and is subject to change. Visit the
Department of Education (PDE) website at or
call the PDE Bureau of Teacher Certification and
Preparation at 717-787-3356 for the most current information about
testing requirements for
certification. Taking the wrong Praxis examinations will delay the certification process.
Non-native speakers of English must submit scores for the TOEFL. The minimum TOEFL score needed to be accepted is
88 iBT or 575 PBT. Students who score between 88 and 100 iBT or between 575 and 600 PBT must take an English refresher
Clearances and Background Checks:
State and federal criminal background checks, a TB test,
and a child abuse clearance are required to be eligible to complete the
program. Applicants must complete and upload documentation of
clearances prior to the start of their program. Visit Required Clearances for Working in Pennsylvania Schools for details.
Statement of Goals:
In the Statement of Goals, applicants should indicate their goals and
objectives for obtaining teacher certification in their speciality area.
The statement should be approximately 500-1,000 words in length and
should include the following elements: your specific interest in
Temple’s program; your future career goals; any job-related experiences
that are relevant to the program; and your academic and research
achievements and interests.
A resume is required.
Transfer Credit:
Courses from accredited institutions may be transferred into the Ed.M.
program as long as they are current (no more than five years old) and
relevant. The faculty advisor determines relevancy of any course that a
student wants transferred. The maximum number of credits a student may
transfer is 6.
Course Waivers:
Each student is assigned a faculty advisor at the time of admission. The advisor reviews the student's credentials and determines which, if any, of the required courses can be waived. In general, this waiver covers the beginning-level courses in the program. Waiving a specific requirement, however, does not reduce the total number of credits needed to graduate.
Program Requirements
General Program Requirements:
Number of Didactic Credits Required Beyond
the Baccalaureate: 31
The graduate Secondary Education Program with a concentration in
Mathematics Education may be completed for certification only or
certification plus a master's degree. All applicants are initially
admitted to the master's program. After successfully completing the
minimum requirements for certification, students may choose to leave the
program with certification only or may elect to continue in the program
and complete the additional credit hours and requirements to receive
the master’s degree. The program requires a minimum of
25 credits for certification only and 31 credits for
certification plus a master's degree.
Required Courses:
Introductory Courses (6 credits):
EDUC 5402: Child and Adolescent Development
EDUC 5605: Models of Teaching
Pedagogy and Core Courses (19 credits):
EDUC 5404: Teaching Mathematics in Middle Grades
EDUC 5888: Supervised Teaching
MAES 5471: Teaching of Mathematics
SECE 5471: Literacy and Differentiation in the Academic Areas, 7-12
SPED 5666: Inclusive School Practices
TESL 8631: Foundations of Language Teaching: Meeting the Needs of English Language Learners
Additional Courses for M.Ed. (6 credits):
EDUC 5255: Tech in Classrooms: TPCK
EDUC 5409: Capstone: Teaching Math/Science (must be taken after EDUC 5888)
Internship: No internship is required.
Language Examination: No language examination is required.
Culminating Events:
Student teaching and its related seminar are the culminating events for this program.

Program Contact Information:
Department Information:
College of Education
Department of Teaching
and Learning
351 Ritter Hall (09-10)
1301 Cecil B. Moore
Philadelphia, PA 19122-6091
phone: 215-204-6387
fax: 215-204-1414
Department Contacts:
Graduate Teacher Certification Advisor
150 Ritter Hall Annex
Lead Professor for Secondary Mathematics
Dr. Kristie Newton Jones
Dr. Michael W. Smith

About the Program
The Ed.M. program is uniquely designed so that teacher
certification in Secondary Mathematics Education or in various other content areas
can be earned simultaneously with the master’s degree. It is open to those who
hold a baccalaureate degree outside education but who do not have a public
school teaching credential. Individuals seeking a Pennsylvania Intern and/or
Instructional I certificate should apply. Applicants already holding an
Instructional I or II certificate who are interested in a master’s degree should
apply to the College of Education M.S.Ed. degree program.
Time Limit for Degree Completion: 4 years
Campus Location:
Full-Time/Part-Time Status:
Students are able to complete this degree program on either a full-time or part-time (8 credit hours or less per semester) basis. Evening classes on Main campus start at 5:00 p.m.
Department Information:
College of Education
Department of Teaching
and Learning
351 Ritter Hall (09-10)
1301 Cecil B. Moore
Philadelphia, PA 19122-6091
phone: 215-204-6387
fax: 215-204-1414
Interdisciplinary Study:
Not applicable.
The program is a state-approved teacher certification program. It meets the general requirements and state standards for academic certification as specified by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Study Abroad:
In 2012, the College of Education was ranked #47 by U.S. News & World Report.
The program is accredited by the Teacher
Education Accreditation Council (TEAC) and is approved as a teacher
certification program by the Pennsylvania Department of Education.
Areas of Specialization:
The Secondary Mathematics Education concentration prepares
students to teach Mathematics in grades 7 through 12, which
constitutes the scope of the Instructional I certificate in this area.
Coursework focuses intensively on teaching students from diverse backgrounds to
achieve at high levels; the impact of linguistic and cultural variation on
classroom instruction; the use of technology to support student learning; and
urban schools. For a complete list of current specializations offered in the College of Education, visit
Job Placement:
Graduates typically pursue teaching positions in middle and secondary school settings in grades 7 to 12.
Intern Certificate:
Candidates may be eligible for a Pennsylvania Intern
Certificate after completing supervised teaching and its prerequisites; passing
required state licensure examinations;
receiving a successful rating on the Pennsylvania Department of Education's PDE
430 form; and passing criminal background and child abuse clearance checks. The
Intern Certificate allows the student to teach in public schools for up to three
years. The Intern Certificate is issued only once and expires automatically in
three years; no extensions are granted.
Instructional I Certificate:
Upon successful completion of the degree requirements
and passing all required licensure examinations, candidates may apply for a Pennsylvania Instructional I
Teaching Certificate.
Visit Pennsylvania Department of
Education for updated requirements for teacher certification in Pennsylvania.
Non-Matriculated Student Policy:
Students may take up to, but not more than, 9 credits of
graduate study in the program before being admitted to the program. The
credits transfer into the program, if the student is admitted. Students completing certification courses before being admitted to the program are NOT guaranteed admission.

Financing Opportunities
Assistantships are available but limited, and are generally offered to
doctoral-level students. Students who wish to apply should review requirements
and application process available online at

Updated by 11.13.13