Graduate Bulletin
School Psychology, Ph.D.
Admission Requirements and Deadlines
Application Deadline:
Fall: January 5
Applications are accepted for the Fall term only. Applications are evaluated together after the deadline has passed.
APPLY ONLINE to this graduate program.
Letters of Reference:
Number Required: 3
From Whom: Letters of recommendation should be obtained from former and current professors who can provide insight into the applicant's abilities and talents and can comment on the applicant's aptitude for graduate study. If already working in the field, the applicant may include letters from professional colleagues.
Coursework Required for Admission Consideration:
Prerequisites include Child Development, Elementary Statistics, General Psychology, and Learning Theory. If a student has not completed these courses as part of her/his undergraduate degree or through previous graduate coursework, s/he can take EDUC 5325: Introduction to Statistics and Research,
EPSY 5531: Learning Theories and Education, and/or
EPSY 5541: Concepts in Human Development.
Master's Degree in Discipline/Related Discipline:
A master's degree is not required.
Bachelor's Degree in Discipline/Related Discipline:
All applicants must present credentials that are the equivalent of the appropriate baccalaureate degree at Temple University.
Statement of Goals:
The Statement of Goals, which should indicate your goals and objectives in obtaining a Ph.D. degree, is typically 2 to 3 pages in length. It is evaluated against the program's mission. The statement should include the following elements: the
applicant's reason for seeking a Ph.D. degree with a specific focus on the career to which s/he aspires; her/his research and practice interests; and her/his academic and job-related experiences that are relevant to the program.
Three supplementary essays are also required for the Ph.D. degree. One should answer the question: "Why do you wish to become a school psychologist?" The second should address: "What do you perceive as the role and functions of the school psychologist?" The third should respond to the query: "What is your area of research interest?"
Standardized Test Scores:
The GRE General Test is required. It is expected
that the combined score on the verbal and quantitative sections of the General
Test will be no less that 1000 (old test) or 297 (new test). The GRE Subject
Test in Psychology is optional.
Minimum TOEFL score needed to be accepted: 100 iBT or 600 PBT.
Applicants who are considered qualified following an evaluation of their application materials are called in for an interview. Interviews are coordinated by a member of the Admissions Committee and involve the participation of advanced graduate students. Both group and individual Interviews are conducted.
A resume is required.
Writing Sample:
A writing sample may be required if the applicant is contacted for an interview.
Advanced Standing:
The advisor determines advanced standing during the student's first semester in the program by evaluating the credits the student has taken in accordance with the relevance to and requirements of the School Psychology Program. The maximum number of advanced standing credits awarded is 30.

Program Requirements
General Program Requirements:
Number of Didactic Credits Required Beyond the Baccalaureate:
(30 credits Ed.M.; 85 credits Ph.D.)
Required Courses:
EPSY 5529: Tests and Measurements
EPSY 8621: Academic Assessment and Remediation
EPSY 8627: Introduction to Research Design
EPSY 8735: Proseminar in Learning
EPSY 8741: Proseminar in Human Development
EPSY 8825: Advanced Statistics
EPSY 8980: Seminar Series: Problems in Educational Psychology
EPSY 9991: Apprenticeship in Educational Psychology
SPSY 5667: Introduction to Cognitive Assessment
SPSY 5671: Advanced Cognitive Assessment
SPSY 5672: Personality and Psychotherapy
SPSY 5674: Assessment of Personality and Behavior
SPSY 5676: Applied Behavior Analysis
SPSY 8770: Seminar: Special Topics in School Psychology: Physiological Psychology
SPSY 8771: Social Psychoogy of Education
SPSY 8772: Seminar: Role and Function of the School Psychologist
SPSY 8774: Professional Issues and Literature in School Psychology
SPSY 8775: Ethical and Legal Problems in School Psychoogy
SPSY 8777: Psychotherapeutic Strategies
SPSY 9687: Psychoeducational Clinic
SPSY 9688: Clinical Supervision Seminar in School Psychology
SPSY 9787: Practicum on Children with Low Incidence Disabilities
SPSY 9788: Seminar on Children with Low Incidence Disabilities
SPSY 9876: Organization and Supervision of School Psychological Services
SPSY 9885: Internship in School Psychology
SPSY 9998
SPSY 9999: Doctoral Dissertation
Two electives
Internship: An internship is required. A minimum of 1,500 hours of internship in an approved setting must be completed. A minimum of 600 hours must be in a school setting. The internship can be full-time for a year or half-time over two years.
Language Examination: No language examination is required.
Other Requirements:
All students are required to obtain clearances to work in the public schools.
Culminating Events:
Preliminary Examination:
The preliminary examination is an essay examination that covers key areas of Psychology and School Psychology to determine the student's competence and ability to explain key concepts. Four subjects are covered: Scientific Psychology; Consultation and Intervention; Diagnosis and Remediation; and Role/Function and Ethical/Legal Considerations.
The preliminary examination is taken after completion of all academic subjects except for the internship.
It is offered over two weekends, with each section of the examination requiring two hours. The exam is administered and proctored at a time determined by the College of Education.
All School Psychology faculty participate in writing the exam by submitting questions. The professor who teaches a particular section edits the questions and submits them to the faculty at a meeting where the four areas of the exam are constructed. This faculty member grades each area. A passing grade in all four areas is required to pass the exam.
Students must submit a portfolio of professional work annually for review by the advisor.
The dissertation proposal demonstrates the student's knowledge of and ability to conduct the proposed research. Minimally, the proposal should contain the context and background surrounding a particular research problem; a survey and review of the literature to a sufficient degree to provide the reader with enough information to understand why the research is being conducted; a detailed methodological plan for investigating the problem; and a proposed timeline for completing the dissertation. The Doctoral Advisory Committee must approve the student's proposal, which is presented at a formal proposal defense.
The doctoral dissertation is an original piece of scholarship that makes a significant contribution to the field of School Psychology. A majority of the dissertations in the program are empirical, typically using statistical analysis as the means of completing the data collection process. Other types of scholarship (e.g., those utilizing more qualitative approaches or those employing theoretical or philosophical analysis of educational issues) may be acceptable. A successful dissertation will be publishable in a refereed journal.
The Doctoral Advisory Committee oversees all aspects of the student's dissertation from the proposal to the oral defense. It is composed of three members of the Graduate Faculty. A member of the School Psychology faculty typically chairs the committee. At least one faculty member from outside the program must be on the committee. The student chooses her/his committee in consultation with the selected chair. A student may petition for a change of chairperson or member of the Doctoral Advisory Committee. This petition must be approved by the Chair of the Department of Psychological Studies in Education and by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Graduate Studies.
Complete details about the dissertation process are available in the College of Education Dissertation Handbook, which is available from the Dean's office.
The Dissertation Examining Committee evaluates the student's dissertation and oral defense. It is composed of the three members of the Doctoral Advisory Committee plus two additional faculty members. One must be from a program outside of School Psychology. One member may be assigned by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Graduate Studies. The Dissertation Examining Committee evaluates the dissertation and the student's ability to defend it. The committee votes to pass or fail the dissertation. The outcome of the defense is determined by majority vote.
Students who are preparing to defend their dissertation must confirm a date and time with the Dissertation Examining Committee. Notification of the date and time must then be submitted on the appropriate College form to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Graduate Studies no less than 3 weeks prior to the oral defense. The announcement of the oral defense is sent by the Associate Dean to the Graduate School no less than 10 days prior to the defense. A copy of the announcement is also sent to each member of the Dissertation Examining Committee and is posted on the bulletin board in the Office of Student Services of the College of Education.

Program Contact Information:
Department Information:
School Psychology Program
269 Ritter Annex
1301 Cecil B. Moore Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19122
Department Contacts:Admissions:
Dr. Catherine Fiorello
Program Coordinator:
Dr. Catherine Fiorello
Dr. Joseph DuCette

About the Program
The School Psychology Program at Temple University follows a scientist-practitioner model. This model of training emphasizes that a school psychologist's basic skills are derived from a thorough understanding of the science of Psychology. Armed with this understanding of basic psychology, the school psychologist can adapt to changing professional demands and help determine the future of the profession.
Time Limit for Degree Completion: 7 years
Campus Location:
Full-Time/Part-Time Status:
Students are able to complete the degree program through classes offered before and after 4:30 p.m. Students are also able to complete the degree program on a part-time basis (8 credit hours or less per semester).
Department Information:
School Psychology Program
269 Ritter Annex
1301 Cecil B. Moore Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19122
Interdisciplinary Study:
Courses may be taken in the Psychology Department in the College of Liberal Arts and/or in Counseling Psychology, Educational Administration, and Curriculum, Instruction, Technology and Education (CITE) in the College of Education. Internships may be selected from a variety of approved sites throughout the local area and the United States.
Not applicable.
Study Abroad:
Not applicable.
The program is fully accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA), the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), and the Department of Education of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Areas of Specialization:
Areas of sub-specialization and faculty interest include Applied Behavior Analysis, Cognitive and Neuropsychological Assessment Theory and Practice, Behavior Management and the Management of Classroom Discipline, Low-Incidence Disabilities, Preschool Assessment and Practice, and Remediation of Learning Problems.
Job Placement:
Graduates are employed in universities, a variety of public and private schools, hospitals, agencies, research facilities, government and state agencies, and private practice.
Certification in School Psychology occurs after completion
of the internship and the passing of the PRAXIS I and II
Exam for Pennsylvania. Some states will certify without
these examinations. Licensing as a psychologist in most states requires
an additional post-doctoral year of supervision and passing the EPPP and a state licensure exam..
Non-Matriculated Student Policy:
Non-matriculated students are not permitted to take degree courses.

Financing Opportunities
Assistantships are available. Students who wish to apply should submit an
application online at

Updated 11.6.12