2013 - 2014 Site Archive



Graduate Bulletin

Recreation Therapy, M.S.


Admission Requirements and Deadlines
Application Deadline:

Fall:  May 15

Students are admitted as a cohort only in the Fall semester of each academic year.

APPLY ONLINE to this graduate program.

Letters of Reference:

Number Required: 2

From Whom: One letter of recommendation should be obtained from a faculty member familiar with the applicant’s academic competence. One reference letter may be from a professional who can address work-related competencies.

Coursework Required for Admission Consideration:

If admitted, students lacking national credentialing from the National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification (NCTRC) are required to take leveling and supportive undergraduate courses in addition to the M.S. degree requirements, as shown below in Course Sequence B under "General Program Requirements."

Bachelor's Degree in Discipline/Related Discipline:

A baccalaureate degree from an accredited post-secondary school is required. All undergraduate majors are considered. A GPA of 3.0 or higher is required, but applicants with a GPA below 3.0 may be considered for admission based on scores at or above the 65th percentile on the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) or Miller Analogy Test (MAT) or a GPA of 3.25 in 9 credits of graduate-level coursework.

Statement of Goals:

The Statement of Goals should be approximately 500-1,000 words in length and include the following elements:  why your background and interests make you suitable for a career in Therapeutic Recreation; your future career goals; and your academic and research interests and accomplishments.

Standardized Test Scores:

The GRE or MAT is required. A combination of test scores and undergraduate GPA is considered in the admissions process.

Minimum TOEFL score needed to be accepted: 79 iBT or 550 PBT.


A professional resume is required.

Transfer Credit:

Graduate credits from an accredited institution are considered for transfer into the M.S. in Recreation Therapy degree program. Such courses are reviewed by the M.S. Program Coordinator to determine whether they are equivalent to coursework offered at Temple and fulfill any degree requirements. The grade must be a “B” or better in order to transfer. The maximum number of credits that may be transferred into the M.S. degree program is 6. These credits must have been earned within five years of applying to the M.S. program.

Program Requirements
General Program Requirements:

Number of Didactic Credits Required Beyond the Baccalaureate:  30 for those who hold NCTRC national certification (see Course Sequence A); 36 plus 6 credits of TR-specific leveling coursework for those without national certification in the discipline (see Course Sequence B). NOTE: Students without national certification may be required to complete other supportive coursework in order to sit for the national credentialing examination for RT certification. Specialization electives can be used to meet advanced certification from NCTRC, after one year of full-time employment as a Recreation Therapist.

Required Courses:

COURSE SEQUENCE A (for those with NCTRC national certification):

A1:  Required Core Graduate Courses (21 s.h.)

CHP 5001:  Research Methods (or equivalent) (3 s.h.)

THRC 8101:  Evidence-Based Practice I (1 s.h.)

THRC 8102:  Evidence-Based Practice II (2 s.h.)

THRC 8141:  Conceptual and Contemporary Issues in Therapeutic Recreation (3 s.h.)

THRC 8142:  Clinical Programming and Practice in Therapeutic Recreation (3 s.h.)

THRC 8171:  Therapeutic Recreation Administration (3 s.h.)

THRC 9143:  Leisure, Health and Quality of Life (3 s.h.)

THRC 9995:  Practicum Project (3 s.h.)

A2:  Required Graduate Specialization Courses (9 s.h.)

Students choose three courses from the following based on interests/needs:

THRC 5204:  Recreation Therapy and Assistive Technology (3 s.h.)

THRC 5205:  Recreation Therapy in Geriatric Service Settings (3 s.h.)

THRC 5211:  Recreation Therapy and Physical Rehabilitation (3 s.h.)

THRC 5212:  Play and Development (3 s.h.)

THRC 5213:  Therapeutic Play, Recreation and Children’s Health (3 s.h.)

THRC 5214:  Child Life Interventions (3 s.h.)

THRC 8201:  Managing Dementia Care (3 s.h.)

COURSE SEQUENCE B (for those without national certification):

B1:  Required Leveling/Supportive Undergraduate Courses (25 s.h.)

Depending on one's undergraduate major, some of these requirements may have already been completed. These credits do not count toward the M.S. credit totals, but are needed in order to be eligible to sit for the certification exam in the discipline (see www.nctrc.org). The M.S. Program Coordinator reviews your official transcript(s) and identifies any coursework needed. Any uncompleted requirements may be taken at an institution other than Temple University, with approval of the M.S. Program Coordinator. All required leveling/supportive undergraduate coursework must be completed by the time the student has accrued 15 credits in the M.S. Program at Temple University. These courses include:

KINS 1223:  Anatomy and Physiology I (4 s.h.)

PSY 2201:  Foundations of Psychopathology (3 s.h.)

PSY 2301:  Foundations of Developmental Psychology (3 s.h.)

THRC 2104:  Therapeutic Recreation Modalities (3 s.h.)

THRC 3096:  Therapeutic Recreation Assessment and Documentation (3 s.h.)

9 additional credits in a variety of Health and Human Service content areas (e.g., medical terminology, public health, social work, sociology, etc.)

B2:  Required Core Graduate Courses (27 s.h.)

CHP 5001:  Research Methods (or equivalent) (3 s.h.)

THRC 5102:  Orientation to Therapeutic Recreation (2 s.h.)

THRC 8101:  Evidence-Based Practice I (1 s.h.)

THRC 8102:  Evidence-Based Practice II (2 s.h.)

THRC 8141:  Conceptual and Contemporary Issues in Therapeutic Recreation (3 s.h.)

THRC 8142:  Clinical Programming and Practice in Therapeutic Recreation (3 s.h.)

THRC 8171:  Therapeutic Recreation Administration (3 s.h.)

THRC 9143:  Leisure, Health and Quality of Life (3 s.h.)

THRC 9187:  Recreation Therapy Practicum* (4 s.h.)

THRC 9995:  Practicum Project (3 s.h.)

*The Therapeutic Recreation Practicum is a 600-hour field placement experience in Recreation Therapy under the supervision of a full-time, credentialed (CTRS) recreation therapist at an approved agency site. The student works with a faculty advisor in the selection of a site for this experience. THRC 9187 is designed to meet NCTRC internship requirements for eligibility to sit for the NCTRC certification exam.

B3:  Required Graduate Specialization Courses (9 s.h.)

Students choose from following based on interests/needs:

THRC 5204:  Recreation Therapy and Assistive Technology (3 s.h.)

THRC 5205:  Recreation Therapy in Geriatric Service Settings (3 s.h.)

THRC 5211:  Recreation Therapy and Physical Rehabilitation (3 s.h.)

THRC 5212:  Play and Development (3 s.h.)

THRC 5213:  Therapeutic Play, Recreation and Children’s Health (3 s.h.)

THRC 5214:  Child Life Interventions (3 s.h.)

THRC 8201:  Managing Dementia Care (3 s.h.)

Culminating Events:

The Practicum Project (THRC 9995) is designed as the final exit requirement for the M.S. in Recreation Therapy. In these credits, students complete a field-based project on evidence-based recreation therapy. The project is approved by the student’s faculty advisor and THRC 9995 instructor before it is implemented. The final project is prepared for presentation at a professional meeting/conference, and may result in a manuscript for publication as well.

Program Contact Information:


Department Information:

Therapeutic Recreation Program

Department of Rehabilitation Sciences

Box 062-55

1700 N. Broad Street, Suite 304

Philadelphia, PA 19122



Department Contacts:

Graduate Program Director:

Dr. Rhonda Nelson, PhD, CTRS



About the Program

The M.S. in Recreation Therapy is designed for individuals who want to advance their knowledge and skills related to evidence-based practice within healthcare and human services. The curriculum teaches from a conceptual model of health promotion and rehabilitation and maintains a lifespan perspective in three core areas: health, disability, and leisure.  The primary focus of academic and clinical preparation is on training recreation therapists to use play, recreation, and leisure to achieve and maintain goals related to health promotion, rehabilitation, and full participation in active, meaningful life. Specialization coursework can be used to meet advanced certification with NCTRC or certification as a Child Life Specialist.

Time Limit for Degree Completion: 4 years

Campus Location:


Full-Time/Part-Time Status:

Students are able to complete the degree program on a full-time or part-time (6-8 credit hours or less per semester) basis.

Department Information:

Therapeutic Recreation Program

Department of Rehabilitation Sciences

Box 062-55

1700 N. Broad Street, Suite 304

Philadelphia, PA 19122



Interdisciplinary Study:

Interdisciplinary study is encouraged through certificate programs in Assistive Technology and Disability Studies (through the Institute on Disabilities), Gerontology (through the Institute on Aging), and Horticulture Therapy (through the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture). Other interdisciplinary study may be geared toward the student's personal interests (e.g., counseling, exercise science, or special education). The diversity of departments and programs in the College of Health Professions and Social Work presents abundant opportunities for cross-disciplinary learning.


Numerous healthcare and human service agencies in Philadelphia and the surrounding Delaware Valley region cooperate with the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and offer opportunities for student training and research. These include nationally recognized rehabilitation facilities such as Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, the Easter Seals Society, Magee Rehabilitation Hospital, MossRehab, the Pennsylvania Center for Adapted Sports, the Princeton Medical Center, Shriner's Hospital, the Temple University Hospital and Health System, United Cerebral Palsy of Philadelphia, and the Variety Club Camp and Developmental Center. 

Additionally, graduate students are encouraged and supported to complete internships/clinical practicums in an extensive network of agencies the program has cultivated over the years. These include placements across the country, including California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Montana, and Virginia.

Study Abroad:



The faculty and the program are nationally recognized for excellence and have received numerous national and state awards for their contributions. Graduates of the program consistently perform well on the national credentialing examination for certified recreation therapists.


The academic program meets or exceeds all current curriculum standards issued by professional organizations and the National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification (NCTRC).

Areas of Specialization:

Faculty members specialize and offer learning opportunities in adapted sport and inclusive recreation, behavioral health, disability studies, geriatrics, health promotion and rehabilitation, pediatrics, and physical rehabilitation.

Job Placement:

Graduates of the program are highly sought for advanced clinical/management positions in adult day programs, assisted living facilities, community settings providing specialized services to individuals with disabilities, hospitals, nursing homes, and pediatric facilities. Graduates who use the degree to enter this field are also highly sought after to begin practicing as a recreation therapist. 


Not applicable.

Non-Matriculated Student Policy:

Students are allowed to take up to 9 semester hours of graduate coursework before matriculation. Selection of courses must be made in conjunction with the department's Graduate Program Director.

Financing Opportunities

Funding is available in the form of an assistantship, internship, or externship. For example, the principal duties of a Teaching Assistant include assisting faculty members in the classroom (field, observatory); conducting tutorials and discussion sections; and grading quizzes. A Teaching Assistant may also be used as an instructor in an undergraduate course in Therapeutic Recreation, depending on the individual's expertise and experience. A Teaching Assistantship carries a stipend and partial or full tuition remission.

Research Assistants are expected to devote up to 20 hours per week to research obligations. Availability depends on whether faculty have externally funded research grants. Assignments vary depending on the nature of the grant. A Research Assistantship carries a stipend and partial or full tuition remission.

Academic Internships are sometimes available and involve graduate students in faculty-supervised projects other than assisting with teaching and research. An example is coordinating an after-school recreation program for children in a neighborhood community center. Academic Internships carry a stipend and partial or full tuition remission.

Graduate Externships are available through other divisions of the university. For example, Temple University's Recreation Services hires externs to conduct student recreation events, and the Institute on Disabilities hires externs to assist with various projects. Externs do not receive tuition remission. Externship positions are handled directly by the units offering them.

Applying for a position as a Teaching or Research Assistant or Academic Intern is done in the form of a letter outlining relevant qualifications and experience. The letter must be submitted by March 1 to the Graduate Program Director.

Updated 7.16.14