Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP)

Summer Research Opportunities

It is a goal of our AGEP work to reduce the sizable gap between the number of underrepresented minorities (URMs) who earn an undergraduate degree and the number of URMs who continue their education at the graduate level and earn a doctoral degree in the Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBES) at Temple University. Thus, we have increased the number of summer research opportunities (SROP) available to promising URMs in their junior year who attend Temple University or historically Black colleges and Hispanic-serving institutions in our home region. Monies from the National Science Foundation have allowed us to provide summer funding since the inception of the AGEP program in 2006.



SROP for Graduate Students 2012


Highlighted SROP Student Activities 2006-2012

Fatima Abbas

Geography and Urban Studies

Fatima's summer research was sourced through the bITS Program, under the supervision of Dr. Michele Masucci. Fatima focused on promoting technological and community empowerment for underrepresented minorities in the context of geography education, blogs, and the creation of a community GIS. Her analysis was presented as "The Blog: A Tool in Youth Technology Instruction and GIS Development" on November 1, 2006, at the Race, Ethnicity and Place Conference of the Association of American Geographers held at Texas State University in San Marcos, TX.

Fatima was named "Honorable Mention" in the 2007 Morris K. Udall Undergraduate Scholarship competition. Her award included a stipend of $350. The Udall Foundation offers scholarship monies to future leaders in environmental fields related to business, economics, education, engineering, health, justice, policy, science, and urban planning and renewal.

Finally, Fatima gained admission to two programs of study: (1) University of Edinburgh, "MSc Global Health and Public Policy," in the School of Health in Social Science, which is part of the Centre for International Public Health Policy; and (2) London School of Economics, "MSc International Health Policy," in the Department of Social Policy. She initially planned to attend the London School of Economics, but decided to enter law school to earn a J.D. before undertaking her Ph.D. studies.

Shameema Adibzadeh

Religion and Sociology

Shameema was awarded a travel grant to study Islamic marriage in Egypt. Dr. Khalid Blankenship supervised her research.

Aneesah Latise Akbar-Uqdah


Under the guidance of Dr. Sydney White, Aneesah worked in the area of developing sustainability of community-based organizations for youth in Philadelphia. She decided to pursue the Master of Public Health degree at Emery University's Rollins School of Public Health. She has graduated with her M.P.H. and published a paper on drinking water and health in Egypt.

Kristen Allen


As of Summer 2012, Kristen was preparing for her preliminary exams.

Bretton Alvare


Dissertation: From Marxist Guerillas to Rastafari Warriors: The Rise, Fall, and Reinvention of the National United Freedom Fighters

Bretton was awarded his doctoral degree in January 2011. He is currently an Assistant Professor at Widener University.

Jessica André


Dissertation: Uncovering the Role of the Hippocampus in the Transitive Inference Task Utilizing Pharmacological and Genetic Manipulations: Implications for Patients with Schizophrenia

Jessica defended her dissertation in September 2010 and undertook a post-doctoral fellowship in Yale University's Psychiatry Department in October 2010.

Marcella Aramburo


Under the guidance of Professor Sherri Grasmuck, Marcella spent the summer examining the racial/ethnic identities and parental expectations of second-generation immigrant college students in a racially diverse university context. Her work focused on the analysis of interviews with four Vietnamese females with varying backgrounds. She presented her work as "Finding Your Place at 'Diversity University' " at the Association of Black Sociologists Annual Meeting held in Montreal in August 2006.

Laurian Bowles


Dissertation: Widening the Lens: Embodiments of Gender, Work, and Migration with Market Women in Ghana

Laurian published a chapter in the book entitled Expressions of the Body: Representations in African Text and Image in 2009. She was awarded her doctoral degree in January 2011.

LaToya Burden


LaToya worked with Assistant Professor Peter Marshall on a behavioral and neurophysiological experiment with preschoolers. She was responsible for measuring "interference" in the children's ability to execute a specific action and for running statistical tests. LaToya presented the results of her summer work as "Behavioral and Neurophysiological Assessment of Perception-Action Interactions in Preschool Children" in a poster session at the Society for Research in Child Development 2007 Biennial Meeting in Boston in March 2007.

Jeffrey Carroll

Political Science/Ph.D.

Jeffrey used AGEP funding to initiate his research into how private investors utilize information to make decisions surrounding community and economic development. He narrowed his research focus from engagement and policy to issues of information and urban economic development. Jeffrey has been elevated to candidacy. He planned to defend his dissertation in Fall 2012.

Hio Tong "Esther" Castillo


Esther’s summer research involved the impact of instant messaging and MySpace on teenager's identity development. She worked under the guidance of Dr. Shanyang Zhou. Having since completed her master’s degree in Humanities and Social Thought at New York University, Esther was accepted into the doctoral program at Temple University and received a Future Faculty Fellowship to fund her studies.

Sohnya Castorena


Dissertation: Remembering and Performance History, Tradition, and Identity: A Multi-sensory Analysis of Dnaza Azteca

Sohnya was awarded her doctoral degree in August 2012.

Corrine Castro


Dissertation: Women of Color Navigating the Academy: The Discursive Power of Professionalism

Corrine received AGEP travel funds in 2008 to attend the Grants 101: Professional Grant Proposal Writing Workshop hosted by the Grant Institute at Robert Morris University in Pittsburgh, PA. She also received travel funds to participate in the SREB Conference on the Compact for Diversity in Fall 2008 and the GLASS Graduate Student Research Conference in Chicago in February 2009. In March 2012, Corrine presented her research at the Southern Sociological Society meeting and has a forthcoming chapter in a book. She was awarded her doctoral degree in May 2012.

Melissa Correa


For her summer project, Melissa worked under the guidance of Michelle Harmon, Project Coordinator, and assisted in preparing the first draft of the final foundation report for the Family and Children's Policy Collaborative. Melissa's exemplary work on the project led to her hire as a research assistant on a study of early child care and youth development with Dr. Marsha Weinraub and then in the Laboratory for Aphasia Research and Treatment under Dr. Nadine Martin. In Summer 2010, she completed work for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs as a research technical assistant before entering a master's degree program in Marriage and Family Therapy at LaSalle University.

Raymond Crookes


Raymond entered a Ph.D. program in Psychology at Columbia University in Fall 2010. He presented a poster at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association. He is also a coauthor on a paper presented at Spatial Cognition 2010, an international and interdisciplinary conference organized by the Spatial Intelligence and Learning Center and the Transregional Collaborative Research Center.

Karla Diaz


For her summer project, Karla worked under the mentorship of Drs. Nora Newcomb and Thomas Shipley in the area of spatial development. While waiting for decisions on her applications to graduate school, she continued as a Research Assistant in the Sensations and Perceptions/Social Cognition and Personality Development Labs.

Dominique Dumay


Dominique’s summer research experience led to a presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. Mentored by Drs. Nora Newcomb and Thomas Shipley, she is currently a Research Assistant in the Spatial Intelligence and Learning Center.

Summer Edward


Summer studied contextual factors associated with resilience from aggression and depression among impoverished, ethnic minority children under the guidance of Dr. Deborah Drabick. Her work was presented at the 2008 Annual Meeting of the Society of Prevention Research in San Francisco.

Nicole Finnie


Nicole engaged in summer research with Dr. Kevin Delaney. Her work focused on the commonality among whites to identify and reinforce specific racial ideologies of covert domination and privilege despite attributing negative traits to the meaning of whiteness. She analyzed in-depth interviews with three self-identified white students. Nicole presented her findings in a paper entitled "Understanding Whiteness: A Qualitative Analysis of White College Students’ Perceptions of Racial Identity" at the Association of Black Sociologists Annual Meeting held in Montreal in August 2006.

As of Spring 2013, Nicole is the Law and Public Policy Research Fellow with the Center for Empowerment and Social Justice, Inc. in Newark, NJ. In Summer 2012, she served as a judicial intern, conducting legal research on a variety of complex issues, including but not limited to the areas of tort, property, employment, and contract law. She is a graduate of the Rutgers School of Law–Newark.

LaCole Foots

Political Science

LaCole’s research topic was the effectiveness of grassroots politics at the state level. She found that people have tremendous potential political power and was pleased to learn that state and local politicians highly prioritize pleasing their constituents. One outcome of her research was being offered a position with Martin O'Malley, Governor of Maryland.

Diane Garbow


As of Summer 2012, Diane was elevated to candidacy.

Justin Garcia


Dissertation: Communities in Transition: Race, Immigration and American Identity in York County, Pennsylvania

Justin was awarded his doctoral degree in May 2011. He is currently a faculty member at Millersville State University.

Sendy Guerrier
Urban Studies/Ph.D.
Dissertation: A Feminist Geographic Analysis of the Impact of Social Networks on the Labor Market Outcomes of Haitian Immigrants Employed in the Long-Term Care Industry
Sendy has been selected to receive an AAUW American Fellowship for the 2013-14 academic year. She is expected to complete her dissertation writing between July 1, 2013, and June 30, 2014. Sendy's dissertation proposal was written while she was supported by AGEP funding.

India Hardy


Under the guidance of Dr. Thomas Shipley, India performed research in the area of psychological/categorical encoding in complex spaces. She attended Catholic University in Washington, D.C., to pursue a master’s degree in Psychology with a specialization in children, families, and culture. Upon completion of her master’s degree, she plans to pursue a doctorate.

Christina Jackson


Christina's summer work resulted in the co-authoring of a paper with Dr. Dustin Kidd entitled "DuBois and the Art of Propaganda." The paper was presented at the 10th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences held in Las Vegas, NV, in February 2007. Christina and Dr. Kidd are also the recipients of the Iris and Eugene Rotberg Undergraduate Research Humanities Award from the Temple University Center for the Humanities. The award funded their continued work together in the 2006-2007 academic year. Another result of their collaboration is the June 2010 acceptance of "Art as Propaganda: Bringing Du Bois into the Sociology of Art" by Sociology Compass. Christina received her master's degree from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and is currently at the dissertation stage of her Ph.D.

Anastasia Johnson


Anastasia’s research was in the area of cognitive neuroscience, studying language disorders under the guidance of Dr. Nadine Martin. She pursued a master's of Speech and Language Pathology at Keene State College and applied to doctoral programs with a focus on brain trauma in Fall 2011.

Lallen Johnson-Hart

Criminal Justice/Ph.D.

Dissertation: Classifying Drug Markets to Travel Patterns: Testing Reuter's and MacCoun’s Typology of Market Violence

Lallen was awarded his doctoral degree in May 2012. He began his position as Assistant Professor at the University of Central Florida in September 2012.

Dalissy Jose


Dalissy’s summer work dealt with the evaluation of Pennsylvania's One Book, Every Young Child literacy program under the guidance of Dr. Marsha Weinraub and Ms. Michelle Harmon. Dalissy interned at the University of Pennsylvania's Positive Psychology Center and continued her work at Temple with Dr. Kareem Johnson in the area of the effects of optimism, positive expectations, and resilience on positive adjustment to college. Dalissy was accepted to an M.S.W. program following graduation.

Rhea Miles


Rhea’s research was in the area of spatial development under the mentorship of Drs. Nora Newcomb and Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek. She is in a Master of Science in Counseling Psychology program at Chatham University, specializing in Infant Mental Health. Following graduation, she plans to begin her doctoral studies.

Richard Moye


Dissertation: The Impact of Shifting Neighborhood Racial Composition on Home Value Appreciation

Richard was awarded his doctoral degree in January 2012. He is an Assistant Professor at Winston-Salem State University.

Bertha Nash


Bertha engaged in summer research with Drs. Nora Newcomb and Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek. She presented her work at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development in April 2009. Bertha was accepted to several Ph.D. programs and chose to attend the University of Cincinnati.

Labaron Palmer

Geography and Urban Studies

Labaron undertook his summer research through the bITS Program, under Dr. Michele Masucci. The product of his work was presented as "Perceptions of Disease, Geography and Healthscape among Minority High School Students," in November 2006, at the Race, Ethnicity and Place Conference of the Association of American Geographers held at Texas State University in San Marcos, TX. He has since earned his M.A. in Geography from West Chester University of Pennsylvania. His graduate research studies culminated in a quantitative analysis entitled "The Effectiveness of Sporting Facilities as a Tool of Economic Development: The New Era of Stadiums and Ballparks," which has been submitted for journal publication. Labaron applied to doctoral programs for Fall 2011.

Martine Quinn


Martine presented her research on the examination of marriage in the Black community from 1972 to 2008 using GSS data at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Sociology Society meeting in Boston in March 2010. Her dissertation proposal is focused on the concept of Black professionals between 25 and 35 years of age becoming middle class.

Aisha Rios


Aisha's summer funding resulted in the preparation of a paper entitled "The Survivor/Perpetrator Conundrum: Navigating Mainstream and Alternative Discourses in the Domestic Violence Movement." She presented the paper in a session at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association in New Orleans in November 2010.

Anabelle Rodriguez


As of Summer 2012, Anabelle was elevated to candidacy.

Sahar Sadeghi


Dissertation: Global Politics and National Narratives: Iranians in the United States and Germany

As of Summer 2012, Sahar was elevated to candidacy. She is in the final stages of completing her dissertation under the guidance of Dr. Michelle Byng.

Laura Shinn


Dissertation: The Impact of Star Physicians on Diffusion of a Medical Technology

Laura earned her doctorate in Economics from Temple University in January 2011. At the beginning of the year, she began a 2-year fellowship at the Center for Health Equity Research and Promotion (CHERP), which is a Veterans Administration Health Services Research and Development Center of Excellence.

Karen Smiley-Robinson


Dissertation: The Industrialization of Social Services: The Effects of a For-profit Provider on Workfare

Karen was awarded her doctoral degree in August 2012.

Richard M. Smith


Dissertation: Validating Beliefs: Liberal and Conservative Protestant Views of Sexual Morality in America

Richard used AGEP funding to construct the first three chapters of his dissertation. He was awarded his doctoral degree in May 2010. Formerly Assistant Professor of Sociology at Northampton Community College in Bethlehem, PA, Richard now holds a tenure-track position as Assistant Professor at McDaniel College in Baltimore, MD.

Maria Solano


Dissertation: Art, Commerce, and Social Transformation: Public Art and the Marketing of Philadelphia

Maria was awarded her doctoral degree in May 2012.

Travis Taniguchi

Criminal Justice/Ph.D.

Dissertation: Policing a Negotiated World: An Empirical Assessment of the Ecological Theory of Policing

Travis used AGEP funding to learn GIS techniques needed for his dissertation research. These spatial techniques are crucial to the completion of his dissertation, which would not be possible without the methodology learned by accessing SROP funding. Travis was awarded his Ph.D. in May 2010 and initially accepted a position as a criminologist with the Redlands Police Department near Los Angeles, CA. He worked with a progressive police chief who has ties to David Weisburd, the recipient of the 2010 Stockholm Prize in Criminology. This opportunity allowed Travis to gain additional experience at the cutting edge of his field. As of Summer 2012, Travis is a Senior Research Associate with the Police Foundation in Washington, DC.

Amanda Thomas


Amanda has been accepted to the doctoral program in Developmental Psychology at The Pennsylvania State University.

Brittany Webb


As of Summer 2012, Brittany is preparing for her preliminary exams.

Amy Yeboah


Amy was provided with AGEP funding to attend the Association of Black Sociologists Annual Meeting in Montreal in August 2006. She presented her paper entitled "Who is to Blame for the Educational Gap?" Her work argues that minority students do care about their educational and occupational future and want to graduate high school as much as their white counterparts do—and that to close the racial gap in the high school dropout rate, society needs to provide better job prospects for minorities. At the meeting, Amy was also presented with the third-place award in the Undergraduate Student Paper Competition. Her paper was published in Clarity magazine in 2007.

Lina Zapata


Lina worked with Dr. Donald Hantula in the development of a project related to evolutionary theory and online personal advertisements. She collected information from Yahoo personal ads in hopes of finding support for the theory of sexual selection strategies in human mating. Lina extended her summer work and expanded it for her Honors project. For the latter, she used Facebook to analyze how pictures might provide support for the evolutionary model of human mating. Lina made a presentation of the results of her summer work in a poster session at the Eastern Psychological Association's Annual Meeting held in Philadelphia in March 2007.


Student Publications

Akbar-Uqdah, A., Highsmith, S., & Tonsy, S. (2009). Drinking water in Egypt: The effects of water on Egyptians’ health.

             The Undergraduate Research Journal at The American University of Cairo,



André, J.M., Cordero, K.A., & Gould, T.J. (2012). Comparison of the performance of DBA/2 and C57BL/6 mice in transitive

             inference and foreground and background contextual fear conditioning. Behavioral Neuroscience, 126(2), 249-257.

Bowles, L. (2009). Imaging migrant women and the embodied market: Accra, Ghana. In C. Baker (Ed.), Expressions of the

             Body: Representations in African Text and Image (pp. 313-336). Oxford: Peter Lang Publishing Group.

Castro, C. (2013). Perceptions of legitimacy and desire to leave academia: An examination of women of color faculty

             nationally. In K. De Welde & A. Stepnick (Eds.), Disrupting the culture of silence: Women navigating hostility and

             making feminist change in the academy. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press.

Castro, C. (2010). In the margins of the academy: Women of color and job satisfaction. In S.E. Moore, R. Alexander Jr., &

             A.J. Lemelle Jr. (Eds.), Dilemmas of black faculty at U.S. predominantly white institutions: Issues in the post-

             multicultural era (pp. 135-157). Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press.

Drowos, D.B., Berryhill, M., André, J.M., & Olson, I.R. (2010). True memory, false memory, and subjective recollection

             deficits after focal parietal lobe lesions. Neuropsychology, 24(4), 465-475.

Gould T.J., Portugal, G.S., André, J.M., Tadman, M.P., Marks, M.J., Kenney, J.W., Yildirim, E., & Adoff, M. (2012). The

             duration of nicotine withdrawal-associated deficits in contextual fear conditioning parallels changes in

             hippocampal high affinity nicotinic acetylcholine receptor upregulation. Neuropharmacology, 62(5-6), 2118-2125.

Groff, E., Johnson-Hart, L., Ratcliffe, J.H., & Wood, J. (forthcoming). Exploring the relationship between foot patrol and car

             patrol in violent crime areas. Policing: An international journal of police strategies and management.

Johnson-Hart, L., & Ratcliffe, J.H. (2013). When does a drug market become a drug market? Finding the boundaries of

             illicit event concentrations. In M. Leitner (Ed.), Crime modeling and mapping using geospatial technologies. New

             York: Springer.

Ratcliffe, J.H., & Taniguchi, T.A. (2008). Is crime higher around drug-gang street corners? Two spatial approaches to the

             relationship between gang set space and local crime levels. Crime Patterns and Analysis, 1(1), 23-46.

Ratcliffe, J.H., Taniguchi, T.A., Groff, E.R., Wood, J. (2011). The Philadelphia foot patrol experiment: A randomized

             controlled trial of police effectiveness in violent crime hotspots. Criminology, 49(3), 795-831.

Ratcliffe, J.H., Taniguchi, T.A., & Taylor, R.B. (2009). The crime reduction effects of public CCTV cameras: A multi-method

             spatial approach. Justice Quarterly, 26(4), 746-770.

Salvatore, C., & Taniguchi, T.A. (2012). Do social bonds matter for emerging adults? Deviant Behavior, 33(9), 738-756.

Salvatore, C., Taniguchi, T.A., & Welsh, W.N. (2012). Is emerging adulthood influencing Moffitt's developmental

             taxonomy? Adding the "prolonged" adolescent offender. Western Criminology Review, 13(1), 1-15.

Taniguchi, T.A., Ratcliffe, J.H., & Taylor, R.B. (2011). Gang set space, drug markets, and crime: Violent and property crimes

             around drug corners in Camden. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 48(3), 327-363.

Taniguchi, T.A., Rengert, G.F., & McCord, E.S. (2011). Where size matters: Agglomeration economies of illegal drug

             markets in Philadelphia. In J.T. Walker (Ed.), Social, ecological, and environmental theories of rime. London:


Taniguchi, T.A., Rengert, G.F., & McCord, E.S. (2009). Where size matters: Agglomeration economies of illegal drug

             markets in Philadelphia. Justice Quarterly, 26(4), 670-694.

Taniguchi, T.A., & Salvatore, C. (2012). Exploring the relationship between drug and alcohol treatment facilities and violent

             and property crime: A socioeconomic contingent relationship. Security Journal, 25(2), 95-115.

Yeboah, A. (2007). How does a black child become a black scholar In America? Clarity Magazine, No. 2, p. 4.


Student Presentations

Abbas, F. (2006). The blog: A tool in youth technology instruction and GIS development. Paper presented at the Race,

             Ethnicity and Place Conference of the Association of American Geographers, San Marcos, TX.

André, J.M., Leach, P.T., & Gould, T.J. (2009).  Nicotine reverses NMDAR antagonist-induced deficits in contextual fear

             conditioning through high affinity nAChRs. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience,

             Chicago, IL.

Aramburo, M. (2006). Finding your place at “Diversity University.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the

             Association of Black Sociologists, Montreal, Canada.

Byrd, G. (2009). The sociological links between African American and Native American: People of African American

             descent acknowledging their Native American ancestry. Paper presented at the GLASS AGEP Research

             Conference, Chicago, IL.

Carroll, J. (2008). The intersection of cybersafety, place, and policy in the experiences of high school students in North

             Philadelphia. Paper presented at the Association of American Geographers, Boston, MA.

Carroll, J. (2008). Words of wisdom: How to thrive in graduate school. Student presentation at the MEGA Midwest AGEP

             Conference, Chicago, IL.

Castro, C. (2012). Hyper-professional bodies: How women of color faculty embody the "professional." Panel member at

             the Annual Meeting of the Southern Sociological Society, New Orleans, LA.

Castro, C. (2009). Examining academic governance through the embodied experiences of women faculty. Roundtable

             discussion at the Annual Conference of the Eastern Sociological Society, Baltimore, MD.

Castro, C. (2009). Women of color negotiating academic governance. Paper presented at the GLASS AGEP Research

             Conference, Chicago, IL.

Chen, D., Drabick, D., & Edward, S. (2008). Child and contextual factors associated with resilience from aggression and

             depression among impoverished, ethnic minority children. Paper presented at the Society for Prevention Research,

             San Francisco, CA.

Crookes, R.D., Shipley, T.F., & Hegarty, M. (2010).  Development of a self-report measure of spatial reasoning abilities:

             The Philadelphia Spatial Abilities Scale. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological

             Association, Brooklyn, NY.

Finnie, N. (2006). Understanding whiteness: A qualitative analysis of white college students’ perceptions of racial identity.

             Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Black Sociologists, Montreal, Canada.

Fisher, K., Nash, B., Hirsh-Pasek, K., & Newcombe, N. (2009). Breaking the mold: Altering preschoolers’ concepts of

             geometric shapes. Paper presented at the biennial meeting for the Society for Research in Child Development,

             Denver, CO.

Fitzhugh, S., Shipley, T., Newcombe, N., McKenna, K., & Dumay, D. (2008). Mental rotation of real-world Shepard-Metzler

             figures: An eye tracking study. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the Vision Sciences Society,

             Naples, FL.

Groff, E., Johnson-Hart, L., Wood, J., & Ratcliffe, J.H. (2010). Officer activities while on foot patrol: Do they matter? Paper

             presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA.

Hegarty, M., Crookes, R.D., Dara-Abrams, D., & Shipley, T.F. (2010). Do all science disciplines rely on spatial abilities?

             Preliminary evidence from self-report questionnaires. Paper presented at the Spatial Cognition 2010 Conference,

             Portland, OR.

Jackson, C., & Kidd, D. (2007). DuBois and the art of propaganda. Paper presented at Tenth Annual Meeting of the

             American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Las Vegas, NV.

Johnson-Hart , L. (2011). Drug market classification and travel distance: Testing Reuter's and MacCoun’s typology of

             market violence. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Washington, DC.

Johnson-Hart, L. (2011). Shopping for drugs: Trip distance to illicit markets. Paper presented at the Research Symposium

             of the Great Lakes Alliance for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences, Chicago, IL.

Johnson-Hart, L. (2011). Travel distance and violence within drug markets. Paper presented at the Crime Mapping

             Research Conference in Miami, FL.

Marsh, M. (2009). Through the eyes of those who are black and white: A biracial perspective of inequality in America.

             Paper presented at the GLASS AGEP Research Conference, Chicago, IL.

Moye, R. (2012). The impact of shifting neighborhood racial composition on home value appreciation. Paper presented at

             the American Sociological Association Annual Conference, Denver, CO.

Moye, R. (2011). Racial segregation and home values: Do property values still drop when blacks move in? Paper

             presented at the Growing Racial Wealth Gap and Its Implications Annual Conference of the American Sociological

             Association, Section on Racial and Ethnic Minorities Paper Session, Las Vegas, NV.

Moye, R. (2010). Is moving into a white neighborhood a bad investment decision for a black household? Paper presented

             at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Black Sociologists, Atlanta, GA.

Moye, R. (2010). School and neighborhood white flight in the 21st century. Paper presented at the Eastern Sociological

             Society, Boston, MA.

Moye, R. (2009). Property values and race. Paper presented at the Urban Affairs Meetings, Chicago, IL.

Moye, R. (2007). Using decision trees to model interaction effects when analyzing the location of decisions of drug markets

             in Philadelphia. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Criminology, Atlanta, GA.

Palmer, L. (2006). Perceptions of disease, geography, and healthscape among minority high school students. Paper

             presented at the Race, Ethnicity and Place Conference of the Association of American Geographers, San

             Marcos, TX.

Quinn, M. (2010). Predictors of marital status in the Black community. Paper presented at the 80th Annual Meeting of the

             Eastern Sociology Society, Boston, MA.

Ratcliffe, J.H., & Johnson-Hart, L. (2009). Travel distance to drug markets: A case study of Camden, New Jersey. Paper

             presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Philadelphia, PA.

Ratcliffe, J.H., & Johnson-Hart, L. (2009). Travel distance to drug markets: A case study of Camden, New Jersey. Paper

             presented at the Crime Mapping Research Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Smith, R.M. (2009). Validating beliefs: Liberal and conservative protestant Christian views of sexual morality in America.

             Paper presented at the GLASS AGEP Research Conference, Chicago, IL.

Taniguchi, T.A. (2009). Policing a negotiated world: An empirical assessment of the ecological theory of policing. Paper

             presented at the GLASS AGEP Research Conference, Chicago, IL.

Taniguchi, T.A. (2008). Buyers, sellers, and the spatio-temporal dimension of drug markets in Camden, NJ. Paper

             presented at the Environmental Criminology and Crime Analysis Symposium, Anchorage, AK.

Taniguchi, T.A. (2007). Crime and its proximity to drug gang sites: A spatial intelligence challenge. Paper presented at the

             Ninth Crime Mapping Research Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.

Thomas, A.L., Marshall, P.J., Bouquet, C.A., & Shipley, T.F. (2009). Studying motor contagion in four-year-old children.

              Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO.

Wood, J., Sorg, E., Groff, E., Johnson-Hart, L., Taniguchi, T.A., Haberman, C., & Ratcliffe, J.H. (2010). "We just push them

             around the corner": Implications of foot patrol delineation on the measurement of crime displacement. Paper

             presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA.

Xie, H., & Fleurant, N. (2008). Popularity and aggression: Direction of influences. Paper presented at the XXIX International

             Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany.

Yeboah, A. (2009). Not without my father: How family structure influences black dropout rates. Paper presented at the

             GLASS AGEP Research Conference, Chicago, IL.

Yeboah, A. (2008). Not without my father: How family structure influences black dropout rates. Paper presented to the

             Association of Black Sociologists, Boston, MA.