Graduate School

Prospective Students – International Application

Important Notice Regarding Academic Records

If uncertain as to what academic records must be submitted to make application for graduate study, visit the World Education Services website and locate your home country. The requirements of Temple University are the same as those specified by WES. Please note that an evaluation by WES is not required. The WES website is simply a resource for you to use to ensure that you submit the proper documentation to Temple University so that your application can be processed.

Temple University assesses foreign degrees for equivalency with a U.S. degree based on the characteristics of the national educational system, the type of institution attended, and the level of studies completed. The minimum level of study required for graduate admissions consideration is outlined below:

  • African countries (other than British- or French-patterned): University degree requiring 4 years of study.
  • Asian countries not specifically identified: University degree requiring 4 years of study.
  • British-patterned education: Bachelor’s degree with honors.
  • Canada: From Quebec, 3-year bachelor’s degree; from other provinces, 4-year bachelor’s degree.
  • Central and South America: University degree requiring 4 years of study.
  • European countries not specifically identified: University degree requiring 4 years of study.
  • French-patterned education: Maîtrise from university or completion of diplôme d’ingénieur from grandes écoles.
  • Germany: University diplom preferred, or at least 1 year of full-time higher study beyond vordiplom.
  • India, Pakistan, Nepal, and Bangladesh: Bachelor’s degree in agriculture, engineering, forestry, medicine, pharmacy, or technology. Note: A 3-year bachelor’s degree in arts, business administration, commerce, education, or science is not considered sufficient for graduate study at Temple University. In conjunction with the 3-year degree, the student must have earned either a post-graduate diploma or a master’s degree in a related discipline to demonstrate equivalency with a U.S. bachelor’s degree.
  • Middle East: University degree requiring 4 years of study.
  • Newly Independent States: University diploma requiring 4.5 to 6 years of study.
  • Philippines: A 4- or 5-year bachelor’s degree.
  • All Others: Bachelor’s degree or bachelor’s degree comparability, as determined by Temple University, awarded by a post-secondary institution recognized by the country’s own Ministry of Education.


Important Notice Regarding Test Scores

For fastest processing of your application, please use the exact same name on your application as you did when registering for your standardized tests. Slight differences in the name used can cause your application to go unmatched with your reported test scores, thereby significantly delaying the application process.



Important Notice for Applicants Educated in CHINA

Documents certified by the China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center (CDGDC) or the China Higher Education Student Information and Career Center (CHESICC) are required for a full credential evaluation.

Please note that only English translations of the ministry-certified documents are needed from the CDGDC or CHESICC; the Chinese version is not required. Further, photocopies of transcripts, degree certificates, and diploma certificates are not considered official and are not acceptable substitutes for the official documentation.

The admissions committee for the program to which you are making application will review your materials to determine your admissions status.





Important Notice for Applicants Educated in INDIA

All documents must be attested to/verified by the Controller of Examinations or Registrar at the Parent University and then sent sealed directly to the Temple University department or program to which you are applying by the examining authority in an envelope bearing the institution's seal or stamp and/or an appropriate signature across the sealed flap.


You may make photocopies and have the copies attested to by the Controller of Examinations or Registrar at the Parent University. The Controller or Registrar should then place the verified mark sheets in an envelope, seal the envelope, and sign it across the flap before returning it to you to forward to the Temple University department or program to which you are applying. If the seal is broken when the envelope reaches Temple University, the mark sheets will not be accepted. Attestations from persons outside the offices of the Controller of Examinations or Registrar, such as individual professors or external notary publics, will not be accepted.

Without exception, mark sheets, degree certificates, or provisional certificates from the affiliate college or faculty will not be accepted.



International graduate students are a vital part of the Temple University intellectual and cultural community. Thousands of students from over 100 countries have chosen to receive their education at Temple University. The University warmly welcomes students from all parts of the world.

To apply, choose either the online application, which is the preferred method, or the paper application. All programs require a completed application form, a statement of goals, and one certified copy of official transcripts from every college and university attended, including Temple University. A minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale is ordinarily required for admissions consideration.

Admission to all programs is determined by the department to which the application is submitted based on a broad package of materials that includes not only test scores and grades, but also research interests, past employment, portfolios, recommendations, and the statement of goals. Applications will not be reviewed until they are complete, which requires receipt of all required credentials and payment of the application fee. Applications may be submitted to more than one program, but no student may pursue two degrees simultaneously, except for those admitted to University-approved dual degree programs.

Online Application

This web-based application allows submission of the application online. It is designed in modules so the applicant may return to the application if unable to complete the application in one sitting. The application is not submitted until the non-refundable $60 application fee is paid online using either a credit card or a bank account.

Download the Application in PDF

The application is available online in PDF format. (Adobe® Acrobat® is required to access this information.) The writable form can be saved to a desktop and printed after completion. Application instructions are provided to assist in answering select questions.

A check or money order made payable to Temple University in the amount of $75 must be submitted with the application. Do not send cash, and do not remit fees in excess of the required amount as additional monies cannot be credited toward future charges. Please note that the application fee is non-refundable.

Official Educational Documents

International applicants who have completed a post-secondary program must:

  • Submit an official copy of the degree, diploma, or certificate awarded whereby the academic institution validates completion and conferral.
  • Request that official post-secondary academic records be forwarded to the Temple University department or program to which application is being made.

Transcripts from all post-secondary institutions must be submitted for the applicant, even if only one course was taken. Applications that do not include all post-secondary academic records are incomplete and will not be reviewed. Unsealed post-secondary school academic records in the student’s possession are not official and, therefore, are not acceptable for admissions purposes. Applicants who attended institutions that do not issue complete academic records in English must submit official copies of native language records and literal translations prepared by an appropriate university or government official. Temple University reserves the right to verify the authenticity of academic records, test scores, and letters of reference.

Academic documents may be submitted to a credential evaluation organization approved by Temple University, as identified on the NACES® website. The applicant should request that the evaluation be sent directly to the department/program of application at Temple University. It is recommended that the applicant also send to the department/program an unofficial copy of the academic records on which the outside evaluation is based. Credentials that have been assessed by the agencies listed on the NACES® website do not require additional evaluation by the Graduate School.

Submission of Other Supporting Materials

Most programs require some or all of the following:

Depending on the degree program, supporting materials are mailed to the appropriate departmental or school/college address listed on the Addresses for Submission of Graduate Applications document; submitted electronically via Interfolio; or uploaded in SlideRoom. Check the program description in the Graduate Bulletin to determine if submission is required electronically. All application materials, with the exception of portfolios and exhibits, become the property of Temple University and will not be copied, returned, or forwarded to another institution.

Please note that standardized test scores must be furnished directly to the Graduate School at Temple University by the testing service within five years of the applicant's test date. Scores for the GRE® should be forwarded electronically by Educational Testing Service. Scores for the GMAT® should be sent electronically by GMAC®. An official paper record for the MAT™ must be provided by Pearson or the Temple University Measurement and Research Center. No photocopies of score reports for any standardized test will be accepted from applicants.

For reporting purposes, the institution code for the GRE® and the GMAT® is 2906. For the MAT™, the reporting code is 2548 for the College of Health Professions and Social Work; all other MAT™ scores should be reported to 1666 for the Graduate School.

Score Reporting for Tests of Academic English

Prospective students for graduate study are required to report official scores from a test of academic English if they have not earned a degree—be it an undergraduate (bachelor's) or graduate (master's or doctorate)—from a U.S. institution. These scores are required of:

  • Individuals not born on American soil who were educated at an institution outside the United States.
  • U.S. citizens who earned a degree abroad from an institution where the language of instruction was other than English.

The requirement of a test of academic English is satisfied when the applicant produces official scores from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL®), the International English Language Testing System (IELTS™) test, or the Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic™). This is an additional requirement for applicants educated at an institution of higher learning outside the United States where the language of instruction is other than English. Scores for the TOEFL®, IELTS™, and PTE Academic™ cannot be utilized as a substitute for the GRE®, GMAT®, or MAT™ standardized examinations. The Graduate School at Temple University requires minimum scores of:




TOEFL® Internet-based (iBT)          79
  Paper-based (PBT)         550
IELTS™ Academic          6.5
  General Training Not accepted
PTE Academic™             53

Scores for the TOEFL®, IELTS™, and PTE Academic™ must be submitted to Temple University within two years of the applicant's test date. Scores for the TOEFL® should be forwarded electronically by Educational Testing Service. Scores for the IELTS™ should be forwarded in an official score report by the International English Language Testing System. Scores for the PTE Academic™ are accessible by the Graduate School online at Pearson's score report website. No photocopies of score reports for a test of academic English will be accepted from applicants.

For reporting purposes, the institution code for the TOEFL® is 2906. IELTS™ reports should be sent to the Graduate School at Temple University, not the department of application. For the PTE Academic™, the test taker must identify Temple University as a recipient of her/his scores.

Application Deadlines

Each graduate program has unique deadlines for the submission of completed applications. The applicant is responsible for ensuring that all necessary materials are received by the stated application deadline for a given semester. Thus, applicants are urged to apply as early as possible. To determine the correct date, please see the relevant program page in the Graduate Bulletin.

The Graduate School strongly encourages applicants educated at institutions outside of the United States to apply 90 days prior to the stated program deadline. Applying early ensures sufficient time for non-U.S. academic credentials to be reviewed for U.S. equivalency prior to admissions consideration. Furthermore, international applicants interested in being nominated for a fellowship or assistantship should submit their application materials by December 15.

Certification of Eligibility: I-20/DS-2019 Application

Additional admissions documentation is required of international students. For information regarding the Certificate of Eligibility (I-20 or DS-2019), visit the website of the Office of International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) at Temple University. The completed I-20/DS-2019 application form should be sent directly to the ISSS Office. Please note that a US $50 non-refundable international student orientation fee will be charged to your account upon registration at Temple University.