2012 - 2013 Site Archive



Graduate Bulletin

Educational Leadership, Ed.M.


Admission Requirements and Deadlines
Application Deadline:

Fall: May 1

Spring: November 1

Applications are processed as they arrive through the published deadline.

APPLY ONLINE to this graduate program.

Letters of Reference:

Number Required: 3

From Whom: Letters should be solicited from persons knowledgeable about the applicant's academic or professional work experience.

Coursework Required for Admission Consideration:

No specific coursework is required.   


Bachelor's Degree in Discipline/Related Discipline:

All applicants must present credentials that are the equivalent of the appropriate baccalaureate degree at Temple University.

Statement of Goals:

Applicants should indicate their goals and objectives for obtaining the degree. A typical goal statement contains the following items: the applicant's reason for seeking the degree, with a specific focus on the career to which s/he aspires; her/his research interests; and relevant academic and job-related experiences. A typical goal statement is 2 to 3 pages in length.

Standardized Test Scores:

The GRE/MAT is required. Scores should be above the 50th percentile.

Minimum TOEFL score needed to be accepted: 79 iBT or 550 PBT.


A resume is required.

Transfer Credit:

Courses may be transferred from other accredited institutions as long as they have been taken fewer than five years ago and are relevant to the program. Approval by the academic advisor is required. The maximum number of credits a student may transfer is 6.

Program Requirements
General Program Requirements:

Number of Didactic Credits Required Beyond the Baccalaureate: 30

Required Courses:


Core Courses:

EDAD 5300:  Introduction to Issues in School Leadership

EDAD 5301:  Leadership for Learning

EDAD 5302:  Context for School Reform Education Law, Policy and Politics

EDAD 5303:  Leadership and Supervision for Diverse Contexts: Principals for Ensuring Inclusive, Equitable Learning

EDAD 5304:  School Operations: Finance, Management, Technology, and Communication

EDAD 5305:  Knowledge Use for School Improvement

EDAD 5306:  Change Leadership

EDUC 5101:  Research Design in Education

Electives – Choose two of the following:

EDAD 5063:  Educational Reform

EDAD 5615:  Gender Issues in Education

EDAD 5652:  Educational Policy: Decision Making

EDAD 5742:  Pro-Seminar in Education Policy

EDAD 5895:  School Violence: Risk Prevention

EDAD 8553:  Profiles in Democratic Ethical Leadership

URBE 5401:  Introduction to Urban Schools


Core Courses:

EDAD 5552:  Issues in Higher Education

EDAD 5601:  The Two-Year College

EDAD 5772:  Law and Administration of Higher Education

EDAD 8787:  Administration of Higher Education

EDAD 8941:  Planning in Higher Education

EDAD 9982:   Independent Study (Higher Education Leadership)

EDUC 5101:  Research Design in Education

EPSY 8985: Teaching in Higher Education

Field Work:

EDAD 9285:  Internship in Administration

Elective – Choose one of the following:

EDAD 5615:  Gender Issues in Education

EDAD 5742:  Pro-Seminar in Education Policy

EDAD 8461:  Analytical Studies in Educational Administration

EDAD 8553:  Profiles in Democratic Ethical Leadership

EDAD 8635:  Current Issues and Policies

URBE 5630:  Special Seminar in Urban Education: Access and Equity in Higher Education

Internship: No internship is required.

Language Examination: No language examination is required.

Culminating Events:

Comprehensive Examination:

The comprehensive examination tests for understanding and application of basic principles and theory of administration. It covers the master's core courses in Educational Leadership. The student is expected to take the examination in the final semester of study.

All faculty members participate in writing questions. Faculty members evaluate responses to questions in their areas of expertise. No one faculty member scores all responses for a student. Responses are scored "outstanding," "satisfactory," or "fail."  The student must attain an overall "satisfactory" rating.

The examination is given mid-semester on a Saturday, during both the Fall and Spring. The exam is waived for students having a cumulative graduate GPA of 3.5 or higher after completion of 30 credits.

Program Contact Information:


Department Information:

Dept. of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
248 Ritter Hall (003-00)
1301 Cecil B. Moore Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19122



Department Contacts:


Marcia Whitaker


Program Coordinator:

Dr. Steven Jay Gross


Dr. Corrinne Caldwell

About the Program

The master's degree is viewed as the first step in formally preparing for an administrative career. The program focuses on the school principalship and other entry-level administrative positions.

Time Limit for Degree Completion: 4 years

Campus Location:

Main, Fort Washington, Harrisburg

Full-Time/Part-Time Status:

Students are able to complete the degree program through classes offered after 5:30 p.m. Students are also able to complete the degree program on a part-time basis (8 credit hours or less per semester).

Department Information:

Dept. of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
248 Ritter Hall (003-00)
1301 Cecil B. Moore Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19122


Interdisciplinary Study:

The student must complete 9 credits outside of Educational Leadership.


Not applicable.

Study Abroad:



Not applicable.

Areas of Specialization:

The student may select a concentration in either K-12 or Higher Education. Faculty research covers a wide range of issues and problems in the administration of schools and institutions of higher education.

Job Placement:

Graduates typically become administrators in public or private schools. Some may become administrators in institutions of higher education.


Not applicable.

Non-Matriculated Student Policy:

A student may complete 9 credits prior to admission to a degree program. All courses except doctoral seminars are open to non-matriculated students.

Financing Opportunities

Although some limited funding opportunities are available, assistantships are generally offered to doctoral-level students.

Updated 10.16.12