Graduate Bulletin
Oral Biology, M.S.
Admission Requirements and Deadlines
Application Deadline:
Applications are processed throughout the year as they are received.
* * APPLICATIONS are NOT accepted online * *
Letters of Reference:
Number Required: 2
From Whom: Letters of recommendation should be obtained from dental school faculty members familiar with the applicant's academic background and potential for graduate-level study.
Coursework Required for Admission Consideration:
Applicants to the Oral Biology graduate program must hold a D.D.S., D.M.D., or B.D.S. degree (or equivalent) from an accredited college or university in the United States or its international equivalent.
Bachelor's Degree in Discipline/Related Discipline:
A baccalaureate degree is required.
Statement of Goals:
The Statement of Goals should be approximately 500-1,000 words in length and should address academic and research achievements to date; overall career goals; specific interest in Temple University's Oral Biology graduate program; and the area and/or topic of proposed research, if accepted.
Standardized Test Scores:
Minimum TOEFL score needed to be accepted: 79 iBT or 550 PBT.
A resume is required.

Program Requirements
General Program Requirements:
Number of Didactic Credits Required Beyond the D.D.S. (or equivalent): 18
Additional Credits Required, including Research and Original Thesis, as described below: up to 12
Required Courses:
Core Courses (9 credits):
ORBG 8011: Molecular Oral and Craniofacial Biology
ORBG 8012: Advanced Dental Pharmacology and Therapeutics
ORBG 8013: Seminars in Oral and Craniofacial Biology
ORBG 8014: Clinical Anatomy of the Head and Neck
ORBG 8015: Research Methodology and Study Design
ORBG 8016: Advanced Oral Pathology
ORBG 8017: Oral Microbiology and Immunology
ORBG 8018: Biostatistics
ORBG 8019: Advanced Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
Additional courses specific to the interests of the student may include:
ENDG 8111: Pain in Dentistry: Diagnosis and Control
ENDG 8112: Pulp Biology
ENDG 8113: Periapical Biology
ENDG 8114: Biologic Basis of Disease
ENDG 8116: Endodontic Microbiology/Immunology
ENDG 8130: Current Endodontics Literature Review
ENDG 8140: Classical Endodontics Literature Review
ORTG 8400: Orthodontic Seminar
ORTG 8404: Orthodontic Biomechanics
ORTG 8405: Dysmorphology
ORTG 8410: Current Topics in Orthodontics
ORTG 8414: Growth and Development of the Craniofacial Complex
ORTG 9991: Orthodontic Thesis Studies
ORTG 9996: Orthodontic Thesis Research
PERG 8302: Biology and Pathology of the Periodontium
PERG 8306: Introduction to Oral Implantology
PERG 8307: Advanced Periodontal Microbiology and Immunology
PERG 8320: Current Periodontal Literature Review
PERG 8340: Oral Implantology Literature Review
PERG 9487: Oral Pathology Laboratory Rotation
PERG 9991: Directed Research in Periodontology
Graduate-level courses from other Temple University schools may also be taken with the approval of the Oral Biology Graduate Program Director.
Internship: No internship is required.
Language Examination: No language examination is required.
Culminating Events:
A thesis based on original investigation must be submitted and orally defended. The thesis is intended to demonstrate the student's ability to design and carry out original research, and to analyze, present, and interpret the resulting data under the direct supervision of an approved research preceptor. The thesis must address a well-focused, scientifically meaningful question and hypothesis that is of adequate scope and significance to qualify for an M.S. degree.
The date and location of a student's oral thesis defense is arranged by mutual agreement between the student and the Thesis Advisory Committee, which includes the student's research preceptor. Announcements of the thesis defense are posted at the Kornberg School of Dentistry.
The student's Thesis Advisory Committee is responsible for evaluating the thesis and its oral defense. The Thesis Advisory Committee is selected in conjunction with the approved research preceptor, who serves as the committee chair. The research preceptor must be a member of the Oral Biology graduate faculty, and approved by the Chair of the student's home academic department at the Kornberg School of Dentistry. The Thesis Advisory Committee must include at least one member (including the research preceptor) of the student's home academic department at the Kornberg School of Dentistry, plus at least one outside member. Outside members may be Temple University faculty from another department and/or experts from outside the University. In addition, the Oral Biology Graduate Program Director may serve as an ex-officio member of the Thesis Advisory Committee. The majority of the members of the Thesis Advisory Committee must be members of the Oral Biology graduate faculty.

Program Contact Information:
Department Information:Oral Biology Graduate Program
Office of Graduate Education
Temple University Kornberg School of Dentistry
3223 North Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19140
Fax: 215-707-0042
Department Contacts:Admissions:
Grace Dean
Oral Biology Graduate Program Director:
Jon B. Suzuki, D.D.S., Ph.D., M.B.A.
Associate Dean for Graduate Education:
Sarah Gray, D.D.S., M.S.

About the Program
The M.S. in Oral Biology provides advanced education on the structure, development, and function of oral tissues, their interrelationships, and their relation to other organ systems in both health and disease. Emphasis in the program is placed on gaining advanced understanding of oral and craniofacial structure and function in health and disease, and application of modern biological principles and research techniques in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of oral and craniofacial diseases and anomalies. The goals of the M.S. in Oral Biology program are to advance knowledge and understanding in the scientific field of oral and craniofacial biology; develop "clinical scholars" in dentistry by allowing those in postgraduate clinical specialty programs the opportunity to gain graduate-level education in a biological basic science field applicable to dentistry; and provide dentists with graduate-level training and experience in research methodology and technology to better qualify them for careers in academic dentistry and/or industry activities related to oral health care.
Time Limit for Degree Completion: 3 years
Campus Location:
Health Sciences
Full-Time/Part-Time Status:
Students are able to complete the degree program through classes offered before 5:00 p.m. Students are also able to complete the degree program on a part-time basis (8 credit hours or less per semester)
as approved through the Office of Graduate Education.
Department Information:
Oral Biology Graduate Program
Office of Graduate Education
Temple University Kornberg School of Dentistry
3223 North Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19140
Fax: 215-707-0042
Interdisciplinary Study:
The curriculum of the Oral Biology M.S. program is interdisciplinary and crosses traditional department boundaries within Dentistry and basic biomedical sciences, such as Anatomy, Microbiology, Pharmacology, and Physiology.
Not applicable.
Study Abroad:
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Areas of Specialization:
Areas of study in the Oral Biology M.S. program include traditional basic biomedical science disciplines, such as Anatomy, Microbiology, Pharmacology, and Physiology, with emphasis on how these areas relate to oral tissues and diseases. Study and research opportunities are offered in a variety of areas, including, but not limited to, Dental Biomaterials, Oral Implantology, Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Oral Microbiology and Immunology, Oral Molecular Biology, Oral Mucosal Disorders, Periodontal and Craniofacial Regeneration, and Pulp Biology. Formal coursework is also available in various clinical specialty fields.
Job Placement:
Graduates of the M.S. in Oral Biology degree program are engaged in academic teaching and research careers, private clinical patient care, and industry-related oral health activities.
Not applicable.
Non-Matriculated Student Policy:
Only individuals who are or will matriculate with the Kornberg School of Dentistry make take coursework. Approval of the Office of Graduate Education is required.

Financing Opportunities
Contact the Office of Graduate Education in the Kornberg School of Dentistry for information.

Updated 7.24.12