2012 - 2013 Site Archive



Graduate Bulletin

Communication Sciences, Ph.D.


Admission Requirements and Deadlines
Application Deadline:

Fall: March 1

Spring: November 1

Applications are evaluated together after the deadline.

APPLY ONLINE to this graduate program.

Letters of Reference:

Number Required: 3

From Whom: Letters of recommendation should be obtained from teachers, employers, or colleagues who are able to evaluate the applicant's research potential. One letter must be from a previous professor, advisor, or research supervisor.

Coursework Required for Admission Consideration:

Prerequisites include:

CSCD 1108:  Introduction to Linguistics


CSCD 2217:  Grammatical Description AND CSCD 2218:  Language Processing

CSCD 2207:  Phonetics AND CSCD 2208:  Phonology

CSCD 3233:  Basic Speech Science

CSCD 3234:  Basic Hearing Science

CSCD 3235:  Human Neuroscience

CSCD 3301:  Speech and Language Development

EPSY 5525:

Master's Degree in Discipline/Related Discipline:

A master's degree is not required.

Bachelor's Degree in Discipline/Related Discipline:

A baccalaureate degree in Communication Disorders, Education, Linguistics, or Psychology is required.

Statement of Goals:

The Statement of Goals should be roughly 500-1,000 words in length.  It should address the applicant's background, academic and professional goals, and the fit of the applicant's interests with the program.

Standardized Test Scores:

The GRE is required. Scores of at least 500 verbal and 500 quantitative are required.

Minimum TOEFL score needed to be accepted: 79 iBT or 550 PBT.


A resume is required.

Writing Sample:

The applicant should submit one writing sample that is expository in nature, e.g., a chapter of a thesis, a convention paper, and/or a paper from senior undergraduate or master's level coursework.

Advanced Standing:

The student's advisor recommends advanced standing to the Department based on a review of prior coursework and experience. The maximum number of advanced standing credits awarded is 30.

Program Requirements
General Program Requirements:

Number of Didactic Credits Required Beyond the Master's: 42

Required Courses:

Course requirements are decided based on the background and needs of individual students. However, all students must complete a teaching practicum, at least 9 credits in Statistics and Research Design, and a course in the History and Philosophy of Science and Theory Construction.

Internship:  No internship is required.

Language Examination: A language examination is required as determined by the Advisory Committee.

Additional Requirements:

Placement Examination:

The placement examination is diagnostic in nature and intended to reveal strengths and weaknesses. The results are used to assist the Advisory Committee in refining the student's program. It is ordinarily taken during the student's first semester of doctoral study, but, with the approval of the Advisory Committee, it may be delayed when areas of weakness are known. The examination is assembled by the Advisory Committee, with sections written and graded by faculty members appropriate to the area. The student may choose three from the following six areas: Audiology, Hearing Science, Language Pathology, Linguistics, Speech Pathology, and Speech Science.

Culminating Events:

Preliminary Examination:

The preliminary examination is a comprehensive examination of the student's knowledge within the broad field of her/his graduate study. It is generally taken upon completion of coursework. While it is usually written, it may be given orally if the student and Advisory Committee so elect. The student should demonstrate an adequate level of general knowledge of the field, specific knowledge of her/his area of specialization, and an ability to pursue the dissertation. To be admitted to the examination, the student must have satisfied the residency and research tool requirements.

The questions for the exam are written and graded by members of the student's Advisory Committee. A student must pass the preliminary examination in no more than two attempts. The members of the dissertation committee write the questions. The dissertation committee evaluates the answers on a pass/fail basis. All questions must be passed, and all judgments are by committee consensus. Evaluators look for competent and persuasive writing as well as for breadth and depth of knowledge in the areas of examination. The examination is given over a three-day period within one week and is proctored by a departmental clerical staff member.


The dissertation proposal should demonstrate that the student has arrived at a significant and investigable problem, and that s/he has the necessary knowledge and skills to investigate it successfully.


The dissertation is an original study that makes a significant and publishable contribution to the field. It should demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the theoretical and empirical literature of the area of investigation. It should also be of sound and rigorous methodology. Original research of quality appropriate for publication in a first-tier national journal is expected.

Graduate school guidelines for announcing the defense are followed. Notice is given through postings, email, and listserv announcements. The defense is two hours in length.

Program Contact Information:


Department Information:

Dept. of Communication Sciences and Disorders

110 Weiss Hall (265-62)
1701 N. 13th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19122



Department Contacts:


Dawn Dandridge



Interim Chairperson:

Carol Scheffner Hammer

About the Program

The Ph.D. program in Communication Sciences seeks to bring students to a level of education at which they may participate as scholars in the discipline. It is the program's objective to provide doctoral students with a base of information broad enough that they understand the contribution made to the discipline by each of its specialization areas, yet deep enough in a chosen area of specialization to enable them to comfortably assume a position of leadership and authority. Students are supplied with valuable expertise that allows them to contribute meaningfully to the discipline. Toward this end, the program emphasizes education in specific methods of research, appropriate to the student's area of specialization, reaching a level at which the graduate will be able to make original and valuable contributions to the knowledge of the field. A final objective is to infuse students with the spirit of scientific inquiry and wisdom in the methods and philosophy of science to place their own contributions, and the contributions of others, in a proper perspective with regard to theoretical and philosophical positions and trends. It is anticipated that graduates will contribute to the discipline as leaders and exemplars in the areas of teaching, research, administration, and clinical services.

Time Limit for Degree Completion: 7 years

Campus Location:


Full-Time/Part-Time Status:

Students are required to complete the degree program through classes offered before and after 4:30 p.m. The degree can be completed on a part-time basis (8 credit hours or less per semester).

Department Information:

Dept. of Communication Sciences and Disorders

110 Weiss Hall (265-62)
1701 N. 13th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19122



Interdisciplinary Study:

Students often take elective coursework outside the department in areas such as Education, Psychology, and other departments in the College of Health Professions.


Cooperative efforts have been established with Temple University Hospital and School of Medicine, KenCrest Centers, Moss Rehabilitation Hospital, the School District of Philadelphia, and the Camden School District.

Study Abroad:



Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Areas of Specialization:

Areas of concentration are Speech-Language Pathology with emphases in child and adult language disorders and voice as well as Speech Science.

Job Placement:

The Ph.D. program prepares graduates for careers in universities, hospitals and rehabilitation centers, schools, and private practice.


Not applicable.

Non-Matriculated Student Policy:

Departmental permission is required for registration in graduate classes. A maximum of 9 s.h. earned as a non-matriculated student may be applied to the degree.

Financing Opportunities

Teaching Assistants (TAs) aid faculty in undergraduate laboratory courses or large lecture sections. They also assist faculty in research projects. TAs receive a stipend, a book allowance, and tuition remission for 9 s.h. The application for assistantship should be completed according to the instructions in the admission application packet and submitted along with the completed admission application and all supporting materials by February 1 for Fall admission. Assistantships are generally unavailable in the Spring. In addition, some students may be supported through faculty grants. For information about this source of funding, contact the Department.

Updated 10.12.12